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class PaymentDeclineForm in Commerce Authorize.Net 8


Expanded class hierarchy of PaymentDeclineForm


src/PluginForm/AcceptJs/PaymentDeclineForm.php, line 8


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class PaymentDeclineForm extends PaymentGatewayFormBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function buildConfigurationForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

    /** @var \Drupal\commerce_payment\Entity\PaymentInterface $payment */
    $payment = $this->entity;
    $form['#theme'] = 'confirm_form';
    $form['#attributes']['class'][] = 'confirmation';
    $form['#page_title'] = t('Are you sure you want to decline the %label payment?', [
      '%label' => $payment
    $form['#success_message'] = t('Payment declined.');
    $form['description'] = [
      '#markup' => t('This action cannot be undone.'),
    return $form;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function submitConfigurationForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

    /** @var \Drupal\commerce_payment\Entity\PaymentInterface $payment */
    $payment = $this->entity;

    /** @var \Drupal\commerce_authnet\Plugin\Commerce\PaymentGateway\AcceptJsInterface $payment_gateway_plugin */
    $payment_gateway_plugin = $this->plugin;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
DependencySerializationTrait::$_entityStorages protected property An array of entity type IDs keyed by the property name of their storages.
DependencySerializationTrait::$_serviceIds protected property An array of service IDs keyed by property name used for serialization.
DependencySerializationTrait::__sleep public function 1
DependencySerializationTrait::__wakeup public function 2
PaymentDeclineForm::buildConfigurationForm public function Form constructor. Overrides PluginFormInterface::buildConfigurationForm
PaymentDeclineForm::submitConfigurationForm public function Form submission handler. Overrides PluginFormInterface::submitConfigurationForm
PaymentGatewayFormBase::$entity protected property The form entity.
PaymentGatewayFormBase::getEntity public function Gets the form entity. Overrides PaymentGatewayFormInterface::getEntity
PaymentGatewayFormBase::getErrorElement public function Gets the form element to which errors should be assigned. Overrides PaymentGatewayFormInterface::getErrorElement 1
PaymentGatewayFormBase::setEntity public function Sets the form entity. Overrides PaymentGatewayFormInterface::setEntity
PluginFormBase::$plugin protected property The plugin this form is for. 3
PluginFormBase::setPlugin public function Sets the plugin for this object. Overrides PluginAwareInterface::setPlugin 1
PluginFormBase::validateConfigurationForm public function Form validation handler. Overrides PluginFormInterface::validateConfigurationForm 2
StringTranslationTrait::$stringTranslation protected property The string translation service. 1
StringTranslationTrait::formatPlural protected function Formats a string containing a count of items.
StringTranslationTrait::getNumberOfPlurals protected function Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language.
StringTranslationTrait::getStringTranslation protected function Gets the string translation service.
StringTranslationTrait::setStringTranslation public function Sets the string translation service to use. 2
StringTranslationTrait::t protected function Translates a string to the current language or to a given language.