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function hook_commerce_authnet_cim_request_alter in Commerce Authorize.Net 7

Allows modules to alter the SimpleXMLElement object used to construct a CIM API request immediately prior to its submission to Authorize.Net.


$api_request_element: The SimpleXMLElement object containing the parameters of the API request; note that this object contains sensitive data in the form of API credentials and payment card data that should never be logged or retained elsewhere in the Drupal database or filesystem.

$payment_method: The payment method instance array associated with this API request.

$request_type: The name of the request type to submit.

1 invocation of hook_commerce_authnet_cim_request_alter()
commerce_authnet_cim_request in ./commerce_authnet.module
Submits a CIM XML API request to Authorize.Net.


./commerce_authnet.api.php, line 39
Documents hooks invoked by the Commerce Authorize.Net module.


function hook_commerce_authnet_cim_request_alter($api_request_element, $payment_method, $request_type) {

  // No example.