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function commerce_addressbook_get_saved_addresses_options in Commerce Addressbook 7

Get all available addressbook select list options, per customer profile entity bundle.


$uid: user ID to retrieve saved addresses for

$entity_type: The entity type to retrieve saved addresses for. @TODO: won't this always be commerce_customer_profile?

$bundle: The bundle name to retrieve saved addresses for, e.g. 'billing', 'shipping, ...

Return value

array A list of all saved entities, in the form entity_id => address label

1 call to commerce_addressbook_get_saved_addresses_options()
commerce_addressbook_field_widget_form in ./commerce_addressbook.module
Implements hook_field_widget_form().


./commerce_addressbook.module, line 451


function commerce_addressbook_get_saved_addresses_options($uid, $entity_type = "commerce_customer_profile", $bundle) {
  $options = array(
    0 => t('-- Select a saved address --'),
  $customer_profiles = commerce_addressbook_get_saved_addresses($uid);

  // Now filter, so we only get the addresses for this bundle
  if (isset($customer_profiles[$entity_type][$bundle])) {
    $options += $customer_profiles[$entity_type][$bundle];
  return $options;