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function commerce_addressbook_enabled_entities_info in Commerce Addressbook 7

Get a list of entities for which the addressbook functionality could be enabled. For this to work, the entities would need to have:

  • an addressfield field attached to them
  • a 'uid' field to link the address with a Drupal user

Return value

array: a list of definitions for entities that work with the Commerce Addressbook module

1 call to commerce_addressbook_enabled_entities_info()
commerce_addressbook_enabled_entities in ./commerce_addressbook.module
Get a simple list of enabled entities, based on the definitions provided by commerce_addressbook_enabled_entities_info()


./commerce_addressbook.module, line 537


function commerce_addressbook_enabled_entities_info() {
  $enabled = array(
    'commerce_customer_profile' => array(
      'entity_type' => 'commerce_customer_profile',
  drupal_alter('commerce_addressbook_enabled_entities', $enabled);
  return $enabled;