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8 calls to commerce_tax_type_load() in Commerce Core 7

CommerceBaseTestCase::createDummyTaxType in tests/commerce_base.test
* Create a dummy tax type. * *
CommerceTaxUIAdminTest::testCommerceTaxUICreateTaxType in modules/tax/tests/commerce_tax_ui.test
Test the creation of a tax type.
CommerceTaxUIAdminTest::testCommerceTaxUIEditTaxType in modules/tax/tests/commerce_tax_ui.test
Test editing a tax type.
commerce_tax_calculate_by_type in modules/tax/
Rules action: checks for the application of each tax rate of a certain type.
commerce_tax_rate_apply in modules/tax/commerce_tax.module
Applies a tax rate to the unit price of a line item.
commerce_tax_rate_round_amount in modules/tax/commerce_tax.module
Rounds an amount for a given tax rate.
commerce_tax_ui_tax_type_delete in modules/tax/commerce_tax_ui.module
Deletes a tax type.
commerce_tax_ui_tax_type_form_validate in modules/tax/includes/
Validation callback for commerce_tax_ui_tax_type_form().