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public function CommerceProductReferenceAdminTest::testCommerceProductReferenceSKUNoLinkFormatter in Commerce Core 7

Test the SKU no link formatter.


modules/product_reference/tests/commerce_product_reference.test, line 312
Tests for adding and displaying product reference fields.


Functional tests for the Product Reference module.


public function testCommerceProductReferenceSKUNoLinkFormatter() {

  // Go to manage fields screen of the product display.
    ->drupalGet('admin/structure/types/manage/' . strtr($this->display_type->type, '_', '-') . '/display');

  // Change the default value for SKU with link.
    ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
    'fields[field_product][type]' => 'commerce_product_reference_sku_plain',
  ), t('Save'));

  // Check if the value has been saved.
    ->assertText(t('Your settings have been saved.'), t('Settings saved message displayed'));
    ->assertOptionSelected('edit-fields-field-product-type', 'commerce_product_reference_sku_plain', t('Correct value is selected.'));

  // Clear field's cache and reload field instance information just saved.
  $field_instance = field_info_instance('node', $this->field_name, $this->display_type->type);

  // Check if the value has been stored in db.
    ->assertTrue($field_instance['display']['default']['type'] == 'commerce_product_reference_sku_plain', t('Option correctly stored in db'));

  // Create a product display using one product already generated.
  $product = reset($this->products);
  $product_node = $this
  ), $product->title);

  // Access to the product display node.
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $product_node->nid);

  // Generate and check the expected ouptut.
  $render = array(
    '#markup' => check_plain($product->sku),
    ->assertRaw(drupal_render($render), t('SKU without link is displayed correctly'));