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function commerce_price_handler_field_commerce_price::get_value in Commerce Core 7

Get the value that's supposed to be rendered.

This api exists so that other modules can easy set the values of the field without having the need to change the render method as well.


object $values: An object containing all retrieved values.

string $field: Optional name of the field where the value is stored.

Overrides views_handler_field_field::get_value


modules/price/includes/views/handlers/, line 8


An extension of the default Views field handler that supports aggregating price fields.


function get_value($values, $field = NULL) {

  // If this field has aggregation enabled...
  if (!empty($this->group_fields)) {

    // Loop over the aggregated database fields looking for aggregation on the
    // price field's amount column.
    foreach ($this->group_fields as $field_name => $column) {

      // If we find it, whether currency_code aggregation is enabled or not,
      // we simulate it / override it and provide a default value in the
      // $values array that uses the currency code of the representative
      // entity used in parent::get_value() or the site's default currency.
      if ($field_name == 'amount') {

        // Generate a pseudo column name that will not have a collision,
        // because it's based on extending a column name that will never
        // otherwise have _currency_code appended to it. Note that this means
        // you cannot use aggregation on multi-currency price fields or
        // outside of an entity context where field values may use a currency
        // other than the site's default currency.
        $pseudo_column = $column . '_currency_code';
        $this->group_fields['currency_code'] = $pseudo_column;
        $this->aliases[$pseudo_column] = $pseudo_column;

        // Extract the entity from the values array.
        $entity = $values->_field_data[$this->field_alias]['entity'];
        $entity_type = $values->_field_data[$this->field_alias]['entity_type'];
        $langcode = $this
          ->field_language($entity_type, $entity);

        // And finally put a valid currency code in the pseudo column value.
        $currency_code = NULL;
        if (!empty($entity->{$this->definition['field_name']}[$langcode])) {
          $items = $entity->{$this->definition['field_name']}[$langcode];
          $delta = key($items);
          if (!empty($items[$delta]['currency_code'])) {
            $currency_code = $items[$delta]['currency_code'];
        if (empty($currency_code)) {
          $values->{$pseudo_column} = commerce_default_currency();
        else {
          $values->{$pseudo_column} = $currency_code;
  return parent::get_value($values, $field);