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class CustomerProfile in Commerce Core 8.2

Provides an inline form for managing a customer profile.

Allows copying values to and from the customer's address book.

Supports two modes, based on the profile type setting:

  • Single: The customer can have only a single profile of this type.
  • Multiple: The customer can have multiple profiles of this type.

Plugin annotation

  id = "customer_profile",
  label = @Translation("Customer profile"),


Expanded class hierarchy of CustomerProfile


modules/order/src/Plugin/Commerce/InlineForm/CustomerProfile.php, line 32


View source
class CustomerProfile extends EntityInlineFormBase {

   * The address book.
   * @var \Drupal\commerce_order\AddressBookInterface
  protected $addressBook;

   * The current country.
   * @var \Drupal\commerce\CurrentCountryInterface
  protected $currentCountry;

   * The current user.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface
  protected $currentUser;

   * The entity type manager.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface
  protected $entityTypeManager;

   * The customer profile.
   * @var \Drupal\profile\Entity\ProfileInterface
  protected $entity;

   * Constructs a new CustomerProfile object.
   * @param array $configuration
   *   A configuration array containing information about the plugin instance.
   * @param string $plugin_id
   *   The plugin_id for the plugin instance.
   * @param mixed $plugin_definition
   *   The plugin implementation definition.
   * @param \Drupal\commerce_order\AddressBookInterface $address_book
   *   The address book.
   * @param \Drupal\commerce\CurrentCountryInterface $current_country
   *   The current country.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $current_user
   *   The current user.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager
   *   The entity type manager.
  public function __construct(array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, AddressBookInterface $address_book, CurrentCountryInterface $current_country, AccountInterface $current_user, EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager) {
    parent::__construct($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition);
    $this->addressBook = $address_book;
    $this->currentCountry = $current_country;
    $this->currentUser = $current_user;
    $this->entityTypeManager = $entity_type_manager;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function create(ContainerInterface $container, array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition) {
    return new static($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $container
      ->get('commerce_order.address_book'), $container
      ->get('commerce.current_country'), $container
      ->get('current_user'), $container

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function defaultConfiguration() {
    return [
      // Unique. Passed along to field widgets. Examples: 'billing', 'shipping'.
      'profile_scope' => '',
      // If empty, all countries will be available.
      'available_countries' => [],
      // The uid of the customer whose address book will be used.
      'address_book_uid' => 0,
      // Whether profile should be copied to the address book after saving.
      // Pass FALSE if copying is done at a later point (e.g. order placement).
      'copy_on_save' => TRUE,
      // Whether the customer profile is being managed by an administrator.
      'admin' => FALSE,

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function requiredConfiguration() {
    return [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function validateConfiguration() {
    if (!is_array($this->configuration['available_countries'])) {
      throw new \RuntimeException('The available_countries configuration value must be an array.');
    if (empty($this->configuration['address_book_uid'])) {

      // Defer copying if the customer is still unknown.
      $this->configuration['copy_on_save'] = FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function buildInlineForm(array $inline_form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $inline_form = parent::buildInlineForm($inline_form, $form_state);

    // Allows a widget to vary when used for billing versus shipping purposes.
    // Available in hook_field_widget_form_alter() via $context['form'].
    $inline_form['#profile_scope'] = $this->configuration['profile_scope'];
    assert($this->entity instanceof ProfileInterface);
    $profile_type_id = $this->entity
    $allows_multiple = $this->addressBook
    $customer = $this
    $available_countries = $this->configuration['available_countries'];
    $address_book_profile = NULL;
    if ($customer
      ->isAuthenticated() && $allows_multiple) {

      // Multiple address book profiles are allowed, prepare the dropdown.
      $address_book_profiles = $this->addressBook
        ->loadAll($customer, $profile_type_id, $available_countries);
      if ($address_book_profiles) {
        $user_input = (array) NestedArray::getValue($form_state
          ->getUserInput(), $inline_form['#parents']);
        if (!empty($user_input['select_address'])) {

          // An option was selected, pre-fill the profile form.
          $address_book_profile = $this
        elseif ($this->entity
          ->isNew()) {

          // The customer profile form is being rendered for the first time.
          // Use the default profile to pre-fill the profile form.
          $address_book_profile = $this
      $profile_options = $this
      if ($address_book_profile) {
        $selected_option = $this
      else {
        $selected_option = $this->entity
          ->isNew() ? '_new' : '_original';

        // Select the address book profile, if the _original option was removed.
        if ($selected_option == '_original' && !isset($profile_options['_original'])) {
          $selected_option = $this->entity
      $inline_form['#after_build'][] = [
      $inline_form['select_address'] = [
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#title' => $this
          ->t('Select an address'),
        '#options' => $profile_options,
        '#default_value' => $selected_option,
        '#access' => !empty($address_book_profiles),
        '#ajax' => [
          'callback' => [
          'wrapper' => $inline_form['#id'],
        '#attributes' => [
          'class' => [
        '#weight' => -999,
    elseif ($customer
      ->isAuthenticated() && $this->entity
      ->isNew()) {

      // A single address book profile is allowed.
      // The customer profile form is being rendered for the first time.
      // Use the default profile to pre-fill the profile form.
      $address_book_profile = $this->addressBook
        ->load($customer, $profile_type_id, $available_countries);

    // Copy field values from the address book profile to the actual profile.
    if ($address_book_profile) {
      if (!$address_book_profile
        ->isNew()) {
          ->setData('address_book_profile_id', $address_book_profile
    if ($this
      ->shouldRender($inline_form, $form_state)) {
      $view_builder = $this->entityTypeManager
      $inline_form['rendered'] = $view_builder
      $inline_form['edit_button'] = [
        '#type' => 'button',
        '#name' => $inline_form['#profile_scope'] . '_edit',
        '#value' => $this
        '#ajax' => [
          'callback' => [
          'wrapper' => $inline_form['#id'],
        '#limit_validation_errors' => [
        '#attributes' => [
          'class' => [
    else {

      // The $address_book_profile_id will be missing if the source
      // address book profile was deleted, or has never existed.
      $address_book_profile_id = $this->entity
      $profile_storage = $this->entityTypeManager
      if ($address_book_profile_id && !$profile_storage
        ->load($address_book_profile_id)) {
      $form_display = $this
        ->buildForm($this->entity, $inline_form, $form_state);
      $inline_form = $this
        ->prepareProfileForm($inline_form, $form_state);
      $edit = $address_book_profile ? !$address_book_profile
        ->isNew() : !$this->entity
      $update_on_copy = (bool) $this->entity
      if ($allows_multiple) {

        // The copy checkbox is:
        // - Shown and checked for customers adding a new address.
        // - Shown and unchecked for admins adding a new address.
        // - Hidden and checked for customers and admins editing an address
        //   book profile which is still in sync with the current profile.
        // - Hidden and unchecked if the address book profile is no longer in
        //   sync (determined and done via the logic in buildOptions().
        $default_value = TRUE;
        if ($this->configuration['admin'] && !$edit) {
          $default_value = FALSE;
        if ($edit && !$update_on_copy) {

          // The profile was originally not copied to the address book,
          // preserve that decision.
          $default_value = FALSE;
        $visible = !$default_value || !$update_on_copy;
      else {

        // The copy checkbox is:
        // - Hidden and checked for customers, since the address book is always
        //   supposed to reflect customer's last entered address.
        // - Shown and unchecked for admins, who need to opt-in to copying.
        $default_value = !$this->configuration['admin'];
        $visible = $this->configuration['admin'];
      $inline_form['copy_to_address_book'] = [
        '#type' => 'checkbox',
        '#title' => $this
          ->getCopyLabel($profile_type_id, $update_on_copy),
        '#default_value' => (bool) $this->entity
          ->getData('copy_to_address_book', $default_value),
        '#weight' => 999,
        // Anonymous customers don't have an address book until they register
        // or log in, so the checkbox is not shown to them, to avoid confusion.
        '#access' => $customer
          ->isAuthenticated() && $visible,
    return $inline_form;

   * Ajax callback.
  public static function ajaxRefresh(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $triggering_element = $form_state
    $inline_form = NestedArray::getValue($form, array_slice($triggering_element['#array_parents'], 0, -1));
    return $inline_form;

   * Clears form input when select_address is used.
  public static function clearValues(array $element, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $triggering_element_name = static::getTriggeringElementName($element, $form_state);
    if ($triggering_element_name != 'select_address') {
      return $element;
    $user_input =& $form_state
    $inline_form_input = NestedArray::getValue($user_input, $element['#parents']);
    $inline_form_input = array_intersect_assoc($inline_form_input, [
      'select_address' => $inline_form_input['select_address'],
    NestedArray::setValue($user_input, $element['#parents'], $inline_form_input);
    return $element;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function validateInlineForm(array &$inline_form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    parent::validateInlineForm($inline_form, $form_state);
    if (!isset($inline_form['rendered'])) {
      $form_display = $this
        ->extractFormValues($this->entity, $inline_form, $form_state);
        ->validateFormValues($this->entity, $inline_form, $form_state);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function submitInlineForm(array &$inline_form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    parent::submitInlineForm($inline_form, $form_state);
    if (!isset($inline_form['rendered'])) {
      $form_display = $this
        ->extractFormValues($this->entity, $inline_form, $form_state);
      $values = $form_state
      if (!empty($values['copy_to_address_book'])) {
          ->setData('copy_to_address_book', TRUE);
      else {
    if ($this->configuration['copy_on_save'] && $this->addressBook
      ->needsCopy($this->entity)) {
      $customer = $this
        ->copy($this->entity, $customer);

   * Loads a user entity for the given user ID.
   * Falls back to the anonymous user if the user ID is empty or unknown.
   * @param string $uid
   *   The user ID.
   * @return \Drupal\user\UserInterface
   *   The user entity.
  protected function loadUser($uid) {
    $customer = User::getAnonymousUser();
    if (!empty($uid)) {
      $user_storage = $this->entityTypeManager

      /** @var \Drupal\user\UserInterface $user */
      $user = $user_storage
      if ($user) {
        $customer = $user;
    return $customer;

   * Loads the form display used to build the profile form.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\Display\EntityFormDisplayInterface
   *   The form display.
  protected function loadFormDisplay() {
    $form_mode = $this->configuration['profile_scope'];
    $form_display = EntityFormDisplay::collectRenderDisplay($this->entity, $form_mode);

    // The log message field should never be shown to customers.
    return $form_display;

   * Determines whether the current profile should be shown rendered.
   * @param array $inline_form
   *   The inline form.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
   *   The form state of the complete form.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the profile should be shown rendered, FALSE otherwise.
  protected function shouldRender(array $inline_form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $render_parents = array_merge($inline_form['#parents'], [
    $triggering_element_name = static::getTriggeringElementName($inline_form, $form_state);
    if ($triggering_element_name == 'select_address') {

      // Reset the render flag to re-evaluate the newly selected profile.
        ->set($render_parents, NULL);
    elseif ($triggering_element_name == 'edit_button') {

      // The edit button was clicked, turn off profile rendering.
        ->set($render_parents, FALSE);
    $render = $form_state
    if (!isset($render)) {
      $render = !$this
        ->set($render_parents, $render);
    return $render;

   * Prepares the profile form.
   * @param array $profile_form
   *   The profile form.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
   *   The form state of the complete form.
   * @return array
   *   The prepared profile form.
  protected function prepareProfileForm(array $profile_form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    if (!empty($profile_form['address']['widget'][0])) {
      $address_widget =& $profile_form['address']['widget'][0];

      // Remove the details wrapper from the address widget.
      $address_widget['#type'] = 'container';

      // Limit the available countries.
      $available_countries = $this->configuration['available_countries'];
      if ($available_countries) {
        $address_widget['address']['#available_countries'] = $available_countries;

      // Provide a default country.
      $default_country = $this->currentCountry
      if ($default_country && empty($address_widget['address']['#default_value']['country_code'])) {
        $default_country = $default_country

        // The address element ensures that the default country is always
        // available, which must be avoided in this case, to prevent the
        // customer from ordering to an unsupported country.
        if (!$available_countries || in_array($default_country, $available_countries)) {
          $address_widget['address']['#default_value']['country_code'] = $default_country;
    return $profile_form;

   * Builds the list of options for the given address book profiles.
   * Adds the special _original and _new options.
   * @param \Drupal\profile\Entity\ProfileInterface[] $address_book_profiles
   *   The address book profiles.
   * @return array
   *   The profile options.
  protected function buildOptions(array $address_book_profiles) {
    $profile_options = EntityHelper::extractLabels($address_book_profiles);

    // The customer profile is not new, indicating that it is being edited.
    // Add an _original option to allow the customer to revert their changes
    // after selecting a different option.
    if (!$this->entity
      ->isNew()) {
      $profile_options['_original'] = $this->entity
      $address_book_profile_id = $this->entity
        ->getData('address_book_profile_id', 0);
      if (isset($address_book_profiles[$address_book_profile_id])) {
        $source_address_book_profile = $address_book_profiles[$address_book_profile_id];
        if ($source_address_book_profile
          ->equalToProfile($this->entity)) {

          // Avoid having two identical options in the list.
          // Keep the address book option because it is sorted.
        else {

          // There are two identical options in the list, but their profiles
          // are no longer identical. Add a suffix to the _original version
          // to help the customer differentiate.
          if ($profile_options['_original'] == $source_address_book_profile
            ->label()) {
            $profile_options['_original'] = $this
              ->t('@profile (current version)', [
              '@profile' => $this->entity

          // Don't update the address book profile, since it is out of sync.
            ->setData('copy_to_address_book', FALSE);
    $profile_options['_new'] = $this
      ->t('+ Enter a new address');
    return $profile_options;

   * Selects the option ID for the given address book profile.
   * @param \Drupal\profile\Entity\ProfileInterface $address_book_profile
   *   The address book profile.
   * @return string
   *   The option ID. A profile ID, or '_new'.
  protected function selectOptionForProfile(ProfileInterface $address_book_profile) {
    if ($address_book_profile
      ->isNew()) {
      $option_id = '_new';
    else {
      $option_id = $address_book_profile
    return $option_id;

   * Gets the address book profile for the given option ID.
   * @param string $option_id
   *   The option ID. A profile ID, or a special value ('_original', '_new').
   * @return \Drupal\profile\Entity\ProfileInterface|null
   *   The profile, or NULL if none found.
  protected function getProfileForOption($option_id) {
    $profile_storage = $this->entityTypeManager

    /** @var \Drupal\profile\Entity\ProfileInterface $address_book_profile */
    if ($option_id == '_new') {
      $address_book_profile = $profile_storage
        'type' => $this->entity
        'uid' => 0,
    elseif ($option_id == '_original') {

      // The inline form is built with the original $this->entity,
      // there is no need to update it in this case.
      $address_book_profile = NULL;
    else {
      $address_book_profile = $profile_storage
    return $address_book_profile;

   * Selects a default profile from the given set of address book profiles.
   * @param \Drupal\profile\Entity\ProfileInterface[] $address_book_profiles
   *   The address book profiles.
   * @return \Drupal\profile\Entity\ProfileInterface|false
   *   The selected default profile, or FALSE if no profiles were given.
  protected function selectDefaultProfile(array $address_book_profiles) {
    $default_profile = reset($address_book_profiles);
    foreach ($address_book_profiles as $profile) {
      if ($profile
        ->isDefault()) {
        $default_profile = $profile;
    return $default_profile;

   * Checks whether the given profile is incomplete.
   * A profile is incomplete if it has an empty required field.
   * @param \Drupal\profile\Entity\ProfileInterface $profile
   *   The profile.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the given profile is incomplete, FALSE otherwise.
  protected function isProfileIncomplete(ProfileInterface $profile) {
    $violations = $profile
    return count($violations) > 0;

   * Gets the copy label for the given profile type.
   * @param string $profile_type_id
   *   The profile type ID.
   * @param bool $update_on_copy
   *   Whether the copy will update an existing address book profile.
   * @return string
   *   The copy label.
  protected function getCopyLabel($profile_type_id, $update_on_copy) {
    $is_owner = FALSE;
    if (!$this->configuration['admin']) {
      $is_owner = $this->currentUser
        ->id() == $this->configuration['address_book_uid'];
    if ($this->addressBook
      ->allowsMultiple($profile_type_id) && $is_owner) {
      if ($update_on_copy) {
        $copy_label = $this
          ->t('Also update the address in my address book.');
      else {
        $copy_label = $this
          ->t('Save to my address book.');
    else {
      if ($update_on_copy) {
        $copy_label = $this
          ->t("Also update the address in the customer's address book.");
      else {
        $copy_label = $this
          ->t("Save to the customer's address book.");
    return $copy_label;

   * Determines the name of the triggering element.
   * @param array $inline_form
   *   The inline form.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
   *   The form state of the complete form.
   * @return string
   *   The name of the triggering element, if the triggering element is
   *   a part of the inline form.
  protected static function getTriggeringElementName(array $inline_form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $triggering_element_name = '';
    $triggering_element = $form_state
    if ($triggering_element) {
      $parents = array_slice($triggering_element['#parents'], 0, count($inline_form['#parents']));
      if ($inline_form['#parents'] === $parents) {
        $triggering_element_name = end($triggering_element['#parents']);
    return $triggering_element_name;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
AjaxFormTrait::ajaxRefreshForm public static function Ajax handler for refreshing an entire form.
CustomerProfile::$addressBook protected property The address book.
CustomerProfile::$currentCountry protected property The current country.
CustomerProfile::$currentUser protected property The current user.
CustomerProfile::$entity protected property The customer profile. Overrides EntityInlineFormBase::$entity
CustomerProfile::$entityTypeManager protected property The entity type manager.
CustomerProfile::ajaxRefresh public static function Ajax callback.
CustomerProfile::buildInlineForm public function Builds the inline form. Overrides InlineFormBase::buildInlineForm
CustomerProfile::buildOptions protected function Builds the list of options for the given address book profiles.
CustomerProfile::clearValues public static function Clears form input when select_address is used.
CustomerProfile::create public static function Creates an instance of the plugin. Overrides InlineFormBase::create
CustomerProfile::defaultConfiguration public function Gets default configuration for this plugin. Overrides InlineFormBase::defaultConfiguration
CustomerProfile::getCopyLabel protected function Gets the copy label for the given profile type.
CustomerProfile::getProfileForOption protected function Gets the address book profile for the given option ID.
CustomerProfile::getTriggeringElementName protected static function Determines the name of the triggering element.
CustomerProfile::isProfileIncomplete protected function Checks whether the given profile is incomplete.
CustomerProfile::loadFormDisplay protected function Loads the form display used to build the profile form.
CustomerProfile::loadUser protected function Loads a user entity for the given user ID.
CustomerProfile::prepareProfileForm protected function Prepares the profile form.
CustomerProfile::requiredConfiguration protected function Gets the required configuration for this plugin. Overrides InlineFormBase::requiredConfiguration
CustomerProfile::selectDefaultProfile protected function Selects a default profile from the given set of address book profiles.
CustomerProfile::selectOptionForProfile protected function Selects the option ID for the given address book profile.
CustomerProfile::shouldRender protected function Determines whether the current profile should be shown rendered.
CustomerProfile::submitInlineForm public function Submits the inline form. Overrides InlineFormBase::submitInlineForm
CustomerProfile::validateConfiguration protected function Validates configuration. Overrides InlineFormBase::validateConfiguration
CustomerProfile::validateInlineForm public function Validates the inline form. Overrides InlineFormBase::validateInlineForm
CustomerProfile::__construct public function Constructs a new CustomerProfile object. Overrides InlineFormBase::__construct
DependencySerializationTrait::$_entityStorages protected property An array of entity type IDs keyed by the property name of their storages.
DependencySerializationTrait::$_serviceIds protected property An array of service IDs keyed by property name used for serialization.
DependencySerializationTrait::__sleep public function 1
DependencySerializationTrait::__wakeup public function 2
EntityInlineFormBase::getEntity public function Gets the entity. Overrides EntityInlineFormInterface::getEntity
EntityInlineFormBase::setEntity public function Sets the entity. Overrides EntityInlineFormInterface::setEntity
InlineFormBase::getConfiguration public function Gets this plugin's configuration. Overrides ConfigurableInterface::getConfiguration
InlineFormBase::getLabel public function Gets the inline form label. Overrides InlineFormInterface::getLabel
InlineFormBase::runSubmit public static function Runs the inline form submission.
InlineFormBase::runValidate public static function Runs the inline form validation.
InlineFormBase::setConfiguration public function Sets the configuration for this plugin instance. Overrides ConfigurableInterface::setConfiguration
InlineFormBase::updatePageTitle public static function Updates the page title based on the inline form's #page_title property.
MessengerTrait::$messenger protected property The messenger. 29
MessengerTrait::messenger public function Gets the messenger. 29
MessengerTrait::setMessenger public function Sets the messenger.
PluginBase::$configuration protected property Configuration information passed into the plugin. 1
PluginBase::$pluginDefinition protected property The plugin implementation definition. 1
PluginBase::$pluginId protected property The plugin_id.
PluginBase::DERIVATIVE_SEPARATOR constant A string which is used to separate base plugin IDs from the derivative ID.
PluginBase::getBaseId public function Gets the base_plugin_id of the plugin instance. Overrides DerivativeInspectionInterface::getBaseId
PluginBase::getDerivativeId public function Gets the derivative_id of the plugin instance. Overrides DerivativeInspectionInterface::getDerivativeId
PluginBase::getPluginDefinition public function Gets the definition of the plugin implementation. Overrides PluginInspectionInterface::getPluginDefinition 3
PluginBase::getPluginId public function Gets the plugin_id of the plugin instance. Overrides PluginInspectionInterface::getPluginId
PluginBase::isConfigurable public function Determines if the plugin is configurable.
StringTranslationTrait::$stringTranslation protected property The string translation service. 1
StringTranslationTrait::formatPlural protected function Formats a string containing a count of items.
StringTranslationTrait::getNumberOfPlurals protected function Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language.
StringTranslationTrait::getStringTranslation protected function Gets the string translation service.
StringTranslationTrait::setStringTranslation public function Sets the string translation service to use. 2
StringTranslationTrait::t protected function Translates a string to the current language or to a given language.