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commerce_order.api.php in Commerce Core 7

Hooks provided by the Order module.


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 * @file
 * Hooks provided by the Order module.

 * Defines order states for use in grouping order statuses together.
 * An order state is a particular phase in the life-cycle of an order that is
 * comprised of one or more order statuses. In that regard, an order state is
 * little more than a container for order statuses with a default status per
 * state. This is useful for categorizing orders and advancing orders from one
 * state to the next without needing to know the particular status an order will
 * end up in.
 * The Order module defines several order states in its own implementation of
 * this hook, commerce_order_commerce_order_state_info():
 * - Canceled: for orders that have been canceled through some user action
 * - Pending: for orders that have been created and are awaiting further action
 * - Completed: for orders that have been completed as far as the customer
 *   should be concerned.
 * Additionally, the Cart and Checkout modules define the following order states:
 * - Shopping cart: for orders that have not been completed by the customer yet
 * - Checkout: for orders that have begun but not completed the checkout process
 * The order state array structure is as follows:
 * - name: machine-name identifying the order state using lowercase alphanumeric
 *   characters, -, and _
 * - title: the translatable title of the order state, used in administrative
 *   interfaces
 * - description: a translatable description of the types of orders that would
 *   be in this state
 * - weight: integer weight of the state used for sorting lists of order states;
 *   defaults to 0
 * - default_status: name of the default order status for this state
 * @return
 *   An array of order state arrays keyed by name.
function hook_commerce_order_state_info() {
  $order_states = array();
  $order_states['completed'] = array(
    'name' => 'completed',
    'title' => t('Completed'),
    'description' => t('Orders in this state have been completed as far as the customer is concerned.'),
    'weight' => 10,
    'default_status' => 'completed',
  return $order_states;

 * Allows modules to alter the order state definitions of other modules.
 * @param $order_states
 *   An array of order states defined by enabled modules.
 * @see hook_commerce_order_state_info()
function hook_commerce_order_state_info_alter(&$order_states) {
  $order_states['completed']['weight'] = 9;

 * Defines order statuses for use in managing orders.
 * An order status is a single step in the life-cycle of an order that
 * administrators can use to know at a glance what has occurred to the order
 * already and/or what the next step in processing the order will be.
 * The Order module defines several order statuses in its own implementation of
 * this hook, commerce_order_commerce_order_status_info():
 * - Canceled: default status of the Canceled state; used for orders that are
 *   marked as canceled via the administrative user interface
 * - Pending: default status of the Pending state; used to indicate the order
 *   has completed checkout and is awaiting further action before being
 *   considered complete
 * - Processing: additional status for the Pending state; used to indicate
 *   orders that have begun to be processed but are not yet completed
 * - Completed: default status of the Completed state; used for orders that
 *   don’t require any further attention or customer interaction
 * The Cart and Checkout modules also define order statuses and interact with
 * them in special ways. The Cart module actually uses the order status to
 * identify an order as a user’s shopping cart order based on the special
 * 'cart' property of order statuses.
 * The Checkout module uses the order status to determine which page of the
 * checkout process a customer is currently on when they go to the checkout URL.
 * As the order progresses through checkout, the order status is updated to
 * reflect the new page. The statuses defined for these things are as follows:
 * - Shopping cart: default status of the Shopping cart state; used for orders
 *   that are pure shopping cart orders that have not begun the checkout
 *   process at all.
 * - Checkout: [page name]: each checkout page has a related order status
 *   containing the name of the checkout page the order has progressed to;
 *   orders in this status are either in checkout or have been abandoned at the
 *   indicated step of the checkout process
 * The order status array structure is as follows:
 * - name: machine-name identifying the order status using lowercase
 *   alphanumeric characters, -, and _
 * - title: the translatable title of the order status, used in administrative
 *   interfaces
 * - state: the name of the order state the order status belongs to
 * - cart: TRUE or FALSE indicating whether or not orders with this status
 *   should be considered shopping cart orders
 * - weight: integer weight of the status used for sorting lists of order
 *   statuses; defaults to 0
 * - status: TRUE or FALSE indicating the enabled status of this order status,
 *   with disabled statuses not being available for use; defaults to TRUE
 * @return
 *   An array of order status arrays keyed by name.
function hook_commerce_order_status_info() {
  $order_statuses = array();
  $order_statuses['completed'] = array(
    'name' => 'completed',
    'title' => t('Completed'),
    'state' => 'completed',
  return $order_statuses;

 * Allows modules to alter the order status definitions of other modules.
 * @param $order_statuses
 *   An array of order statuses defined by enabled modules.
 * @see hook_commerce_order_status_info()
function hook_commerce_order_status_info_alter(&$order_statuses) {
  $order_statuses['completed']['title'] = t('Finished');

 * Allows modules to specify a uri for an order.
 * When this hook is invoked, the first returned uri will be used for the order.
 * Thus to override the default value provided by the Order UI module, you would
 * need to adjust the order of hook invocation via hook_module_implements_alter()
 * or your module weight values.
 * @param $order
 *   The order object whose uri is being determined.
 * @return
 *  The uri elements of an entity as expected to be returned by entity_uri()
 *  matching the signature of url().
 * @see commerce_order_uri()
 * @see hook_module_implements_alter()
 * @see entity_uri()
 * @see url()
function hook_commerce_order_uri($order) {

  // No example.

 * Allows you to prepare order data before it is saved.
 * @param $order
 *   The order object to be saved.
 * @see rules_invoke_all()
function hook_commerce_order_presave($order) {

  // No example.

 * Respond to order deletion.
 * The order will still exist and allows you to take an action before it is
 * completely removed.
 * @param $order
 *   The order object that is being deleted.
function hook_commerce_order_delete($order) {
  commerce_cart_order_session_delete($order->order_id, TRUE);

 * Lets modules prevent the deletion of a particular order.
 * Before an order can be deleted, other modules are given the chance to say
 * whether or not the action should be allowed. Modules implementing this hook
 * can check for reference data or any other reason to prevent an order from
 * being deleted and return FALSE to prevent the action.
 * This is an API level hook, so implementations should not display any messages
 * to the user (although logging to the watchdog is fine).
 * @param $order
 *   The order to be deleted.
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE or FALSE indicating whether or not the given order can be deleted.
function hook_commerce_order_can_delete($order) {

  // Use EntityFieldQuery to look for payment transactions referencing this
  // order, and do not allow the delete to occur if one or more exist.
  $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
    ->entityCondition('entity_type', 'commerce_payment_transaction', '=')
    ->propertyCondition('order_id', $order->order_id, '=')
  return $query
    ->execute() == 0;


Namesort descending Description
hook_commerce_order_can_delete Lets modules prevent the deletion of a particular order.
hook_commerce_order_delete Respond to order deletion.
hook_commerce_order_presave Allows you to prepare order data before it is saved.
hook_commerce_order_state_info Defines order states for use in grouping order statuses together.
hook_commerce_order_state_info_alter Allows modules to alter the order state definitions of other modules.
hook_commerce_order_status_info Defines order statuses for use in managing orders.
hook_commerce_order_status_info_alter Allows modules to alter the order status definitions of other modules.
hook_commerce_order_uri Allows modules to specify a uri for an order.