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function CommerceCheckoutTestProcess::testCommerceCheckoutProgrammaticCheckout in Commerce Core 7

Test programmatic checkout completion.


modules/checkout/tests/commerce_checkout.test, line 530
Functional tests for the commerce checkout module.


Test checkout process.


function testCommerceCheckoutProgrammaticCheckout() {

  // Log in as normal user.

  // Order creation, in cart status.
  $this->order = $this

  // Ensure the "placed" property is set when the order completes checkout.
    ->assertTrue($this->order->placed > 0, 'commerce_checkout_complete() added the placed date to the order');

  // Ensure the "placed" property is not updated when the order completes
  // checkout more than once, such as when simulating checkout via the admin
  // pages.
  // If commerce_checkout_complete does not work as expected and does update
  // the value, we wouldn't know because in the context of this test it would
  // be set to REQUEST_TIME which is the current value as well. REQUEST_TIME
  // is a constant and we cannot change it either. We therefore manually set
  // the value to a different non-zero value and check if that value is
  // changed.
  $this->order->placed = 1;
    ->assertEqual($this->order->placed, 1, 'commerce_checkout_complete() did not update the already placed date of the order');