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public function DrupalCommerceEntityController::delete in Commerce Core 7

Delete permanently saved entities.

In case of failures, an exception is thrown.


$ids: An array of entity IDs.

$transaction: An optional transaction object to pass thru. If passed the caller is responsible for rolling back the transaction if something goes wrong.

Overrides EntityAPIControllerInterface::delete

4 calls to DrupalCommerceEntityController::delete()
CommerceCustomerProfileEntityController::delete in modules/customer/includes/
Deletes multiple customer profiles by ID.
CommerceLineItemEntityController::delete in modules/line_item/includes/
Delete permanently saved line items.
CommerceOrderEntityController::delete in modules/order/includes/
Deletes multiple orders by ID.
CommerceProductEntityController::delete in modules/product/includes/
Deletes multiple products by ID.
4 methods override DrupalCommerceEntityController::delete()
CommerceCustomerProfileEntityController::delete in modules/customer/includes/
Deletes multiple customer profiles by ID.
CommerceLineItemEntityController::delete in modules/line_item/includes/
Delete permanently saved line items.
CommerceOrderEntityController::delete in modules/order/includes/
Deletes multiple orders by ID.
CommerceProductEntityController::delete in modules/product/includes/
Deletes multiple products by ID.


includes/, line 158
Provides a central controller for Drupal Commerce.


Default implementation of DrupalCommerceEntityControllerInterface.


public function delete($ids, DatabaseTransaction $transaction = NULL) {
  $entities = $ids ? $this
    ->load($ids) : FALSE;
  if (!$entities) {

    // Do nothing, in case invalid or no ids have been passed.
  if (!isset($transaction)) {
    $transaction = db_transaction();
    $started_transaction = TRUE;
  try {
    db_delete($this->entityInfo['base table'])
      ->condition($this->idKey, array_keys($entities), 'IN')
    if (!empty($this->revisionKey)) {
      db_delete($this->entityInfo['revision table'])
        ->condition($this->idKey, array_keys($entities), 'IN')

    // Reset the cache as soon as the changes have been applied.
    foreach ($entities as $id => $entity) {
        ->invoke('delete', $entity);

    // Ignore slave server temporarily.
    return TRUE;
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    if (!empty($started_transaction)) {
      watchdog_exception($this->entityType, $e);
    throw $e;