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Files in Comment Access 7

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CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG for Comment Access for Drupal 7 Comment Access 7.x-1.1 (2012-11-17) ----------------------------------- Issue #1120216 by rschwab: Adds admin form options to configure user form defaults. Issue #1264674 by rschwab: now performs checks for… Administration settings for commentaccess.module name = "Comment Access" description = "Provides additional permissions for comments." core = 7.x dependencies[] = comment files[] = commentaccess.install files[] = commentaccess.module files[] = configure =…
commentaccess.install commentaccess.install Install and uninstall functions for Comment Access
commentaccess.module commentaccess.module Provides users with permissions for comments on nodes they own.
README.txt README.txt -------- Overview -------- Comment Access gives you more control over comment permissions. With this module your users can administer, approve, and delete comments on nodes they create without giving them full comment administration access.…

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