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function comment_perm_post_access in Comment Permissions 7.2

Determine access to post comments for current node type.


object $node: Node object.

Return value

bool TRUE - Current node type has permission access, FALSE otherwise.

3 calls to comment_perm_post_access()
comment_perm_comment_view_alter in ./comment_perm.module
Implements hook_comment_view_alter().
comment_perm_form_alter in ./comment_perm.module
Implements hook_form_alter().
comment_perm_node_view_alter in ./comment_perm.module
Implements hook_node_view_alter().


./comment_perm.module, line 275
Control commenting permissions by role and by node type.


function comment_perm_post_access($node) {
  return user_access("post comments {$node->type}");