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function command_buttons_machine_name_exists in Command Buttons 7

Callback to determine if an entities machine name already exists.

2 calls to command_buttons_machine_name_exists()
command_buttons_create_node_button in ./command_buttons.module
Create a node add button based on the node type and label.
command_buttons_node_type_delete in ./command_buttons.module
Implements hook_node_type_delete().
1 string reference to 'command_buttons_machine_name_exists'
command_buttons_entity_edit_form in ./command_buttons.module
Basic edit form for the button entity.


./command_buttons.module, line 849


function command_buttons_machine_name_exists($value) {
  $name_exists = db_select('command_buttons', 'b')
    ->fields('b', array(
    ->condition('', $value)
  return !empty($name_exists);