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Functions in Colorbox 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
colorbox_admin_settings ./ General configuration form for controlling the colorbox behaviour. 1
colorbox_drush_command drush/ Implementation of hook_drush_command().
colorbox_drush_help drush/ Implementation of hook_drush_help().
colorbox_field_formatter_info ./colorbox.module Implements hook_field_formatter_info().
colorbox_field_formatter_settings_form ./colorbox.module Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_form().
colorbox_field_formatter_settings_summary ./colorbox.module Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_summary().
colorbox_field_formatter_view ./colorbox.module Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
colorbox_form_alter ./colorbox.module Implements hook_form_alter(). Reformat the login form.
colorbox_form_page ./ Menu callback for colorbox_form_page. 1 1
colorbox_gallery_exists ./colorbox.module Machine names normally need to be unique but that does not apply to galleries. 1
colorbox_get_js ./colorbox.module Return the JS filename for Colorbox plugin. 2
colorbox_get_path ./colorbox.module Return the path to the Colorbox plugin. 3
colorbox_get_version ./colorbox.module Return the version of Colorbox plugin that is installed. 1
colorbox_init ./colorbox.module Implements hook_init().
colorbox_insert_content ./colorbox.module Implements hook_insert_content().
colorbox_insert_styles ./colorbox.module Implements hook_insert_styles().
colorbox_login ./ Menu callback for colorbox_login. 3
colorbox_menu ./colorbox.module Implements hook_menu().
colorbox_requirements ./colorbox.install Implements hook_requirements().
colorbox_theme ./colorbox.module Implements hook_theme().
colorbox_uninstall ./colorbox.install Implements hook_uninstall().
colorbox_update_7001 ./colorbox.install Delete the unused colorbox_login_form variable.
colorbox_update_7002 ./colorbox.install Delete the unused colorbox_title_trim and colorbox_title_trim_length variables.
colorbox_variable_info ./ Implements hook_variable_info().
colorbox_views_api ./colorbox.module Implements hook_views_api().
colorbox_views_data views/ Implementation of hook_views_data()
drush_colorbox_plugin drush/ Command to download the Colorbox plugin. 1
hook_colorbox_form_access ./colorbox.api.php Allow other modules to control access to forms opening in Colorbox.
hook_colorbox_settings_alter ./colorbox.api.php Allows to override Colorbox settings and style.
template_preprocess_colorbox_insert_image ./ Preprocess variables for the colorbox-insert-image.tpl.php file.
theme_colorbox_imagefield ./ Returns HTML for an image using a specific Colorbox image style.
theme_colorbox_image_formatter ./ Returns HTML for an Colorbox image field formatter.
_colorbox_active ./colorbox.module Check if Colorbox should be active for the current URL. 2
_colorbox_admin_settings_check_plugin_path ./ Checks if the directory in $form_element exists and contains a file named 'jquery.colorbox.js'. If validation fails, the form element is flagged with an error from within the file_check_directory function. 1
_colorbox_admin_settings_login_links_load ./ Enable the Colorbox load feature of the login links are set to open in a Colorbox. 1
_colorbox_doheader ./colorbox.module Loads the various js and css files. 1
_colorbox_form_page_access ./colorbox.module Colorbox menu access check. 1

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