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function collapse_text_process_recurs in Collapse Text 6

Provides a layer of encapsulation for the regex call.

2 calls to collapse_text_process_recurs()
collapse_text_process in ./collapse_text.module
_collapse_text_replace_callback in ./collapse_text.module


./collapse_text.module, line 98
collapse_text is an input filter that allows text to be collapsible


function collapse_text_process_recurs($text) {

  // Per #259535 and #233877, add ability to specify title
  // in collapse text. Thanks rivena, Justyn
  // Per #233877, add ability to have nested sections.
  $text = preg_replace_callback('/
               (?:<p(?:\\s[^>]*)?>)?       # (remove paragraph if right before)
               (?<!\\\\)                  # make sure the tag is not escaped with a backslash
               \\[                         # look for an opening bracket
                  collapse                # followed by the word `collapse`
                  (\\ collapsed)?          # followed by (optionally) a space and the word `collapsed` (captured)
                  (?:\\ style=([^\\] ]*))?  # followed by (optionally) a space and a style, consisting of any
                                          #   characters except a close bracket (captured)
                  (?:\\ title=([^\\]]*))?   # followed by (optionally) a space and a title, consisting of any
               \\]                         # followed by a closing bracket
               (?:<\\/p\\s*>)?              # (remove paragraph if right after)
               ( (?: [^[]                 # followed by either a non open bracket,
                     | \\\\\\[             #   or an escaped open bracket
                     | \\[(?!\\/?collapse)  #   or a non collapse tag
                     | (?R) )+ )          #   or the expression recursively run.
               (?:<p(?:\\s[^>]*)?>)?       # (remove paragraph if right before)
               (?<!\\\\)                  # make sure the tag is not escaped with a backslash
               \\[\\/collapse\\]             # a closing "tag", which is a slash followed by `collapse` in brackets
               (?:<\\/p\\s*>)?              # (remove paragraph if right after)
              /smx', "_collapse_text_replace_callback", $text);
  return $text;