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class CoderI18NTest in Coder 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 tests/coder_i18n.test \CoderI18NTest


Expanded class hierarchy of CoderI18NTest


tests/coder_i18n.test, line 10

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class CoderI18NTest extends CoderTestCase {
  function __construct($id = NULL) {
    parent::__construct('i18n', $id);
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Coder I18N Tests'),
      'description' => t('Tests for the coder I18N review.'),
      'group' => t('Coder'),
  function testI18NSpaces() {
      ->assertCoderPass('  $var = t("Your rating");');
      ->assertCoderFail('  $var = t(" Your rating");');
      ->assertCoderFail('  $var = t("Your rating ");');
      ->assertCoderPass('  $var = t("Your rating") ."hello ";');
      ->assertCoderPass('  $var = t("Your rating") ." hello";');
      ->assertCoderPass("  \$var = t('Your rating');");
      ->assertCoderFail("  \$var = t(' Your rating');");
      ->assertCoderFail("  \$var = t('Your rating ');");
      ->assertCoderPass("  \$var = t('Your rating') .'hello ';");
      ->assertCoderPass("  \$var = t('Your rating') .' hello';");
      ->assertCoderPass("  'titleUser' => t('Your rating') .': ',");
      ->assertCoderFail("  \$var = t('This isn't a false positive ');");
      ->assertCoderFail("  \$var = t('This isn\\'t a \"false\" positive ');");
      ->assertCoderPass("  \$var = t('This is a false positive') . implode(', ', \$array);");
      ->assertCoderPass("  \$var = t('This is a \\'false\\\" positive');");
      ->assertCoderPass("  \$var = t('This is a \"false\" positive');");
      ->assertCoderPass("  \$var = t('Your rating') . t('pass');");
      ->assertCoderFail("  \$var = t('Your rating') . t(' fail');");
      ->assertCoderFail("  \$var = t('Your rating') . t('fail ');");
      ->assertCoderFail("  \$var = t('Your rating') . t(' fail ');");
      ->assertCoderFail("  \$var = t(' Your rating ') . t(' fail ');");
      ->assertCoderFail("  \$var = t(' Your rating') . t('fail');");
      ->assertCoderFail("  \$var = t('Your rating ') . t('fail');");
      ->assertCoderFail("  \$var = t(' Your rating ') . t('fail');");
      ->assertCoderFail("  \$var = t('Your rating ') . t('fail ');");
      ->assertCoderFail("  \$var = t(' Your rating ') . t('fail ');");
      ->assertCoderFail("  \$var = t('Your rating ') . t(' fail');");
      ->assertCoderFail("  \$description[] = t('until !until ', array('!until' => date_format_date(\$until, 'custom', \$format)));");
      ->assertCoderFail("  \$description[] = t('except !dates ', array('!dates' => implode(', ', \$values)));");
  function testExtraTs() {
      ->assertCoderPass("  watchdog('name', 'Your message.');");
      ->assertCoderFail("  watchdog('name', t('Your message.'));");
      ->assertCoderFail("  watchdog('name', st('Your message.'));");

