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class CodeFilterPrismUnitTestCase in Code Filter 7

Contains unit tests for codefilter_prism.module.


Expanded class hierarchy of CodeFilterPrismUnitTestCase


modules/codefilter_prism/codefilter_prism.test, line 10
Unit tests for codefilter_prism.module.

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class CodeFilterPrismUnitTestCase extends DrupalUnitTestCase {

  // The filter object as returned from codefilter_prism_filter_info().
  private $filter;

  // Path to this file.
  private $path;

   * Implements getInfo().
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'codefilter_prism module text filters',
      'description' => 'Tests raw filtering functions.',
      'group' => 'Code Filter Prism',

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {
    $this->path = drupal_get_path('module', 'codefilter_prism') . '/tests';
    $this->filter = $this

   * Returns a codefilter filter defintion, with prism enabled.
   * @return array
   *   The filter definition as defined in codefilter_filter_info().
  protected function getFilter() {
    include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/codefilter_prism.module';
    include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../codefilter.module';
    $filter = codefilter_filter_info();

    // Enable prism.
    $filter['codefilter']['default settings']['codefilter_prism'] = TRUE;
    return $filter;

   * Filters text through codefilter_prisms prepare and process callbacks.
   * @param string $text
   *   The text to filter.
   * @param array $settings
   *   Additional settings.
   * @return string
   *   The processed text.
  protected function filterText($text, array $settings = array()) {
    $filter =& $this->filter['codefilter'];

    // Set up a dummy format using defaults.
    $format = new stdClass();
    $format->settings = array_merge($filter['default settings'], $settings);
    $text = call_user_func($filter['prepare callback'], $text, $format);
    $text = call_user_func($filter['process callback'], $text, $format);
    return $text;

   * Checks that <?php tags are escaped and highlighted correctly.
  public function testPhpFilter() {
    $input = file_get_contents($this->path . '/php-input.txt');
    $expected = file_get_contents($this->path . '/php-output.txt');
    $result = $this
      ->assertIdentical($expected, $result);

   * Checks that <?php tags are escaped and highlighted correctly with markup.
  public function testPhpFilterWithMarkup() {
    $input = <<<EOD
return '<p>' . \$result . '</p>';
    $expected = <<<EOD
<pre class="codeblock"><code class="language-php">return &#039;&lt;p&gt;&#039; . \$result . &#039;&lt;/p&gt;&#039;;
    $result = $this
      ->assertIdentical($expected, $result);

   * Checks that <code> tags are escaped and highlighted correctly.
  public function testCodeFilterPrism() {
    $input = file_get_contents($this->path . '/code-input.txt');
    $expected = file_get_contents($this->path . '/code-output.txt');
    $result = $this
      ->assertIdentical($expected, decode_entities($result));

   * Checks that <code> and <?php inline escaped and highlighted correctly.
  public function testInlineFilter() {
    $input = file_get_contents($this->path . '/inline-input.txt');
    $expected = file_get_contents($this->path . '/inline-output.txt');
    $result = $this
      ->assertIdentical($expected, $result);

   * Tests <code class="..."> tags (with attributes).
  public function testCodeFilterPrismAttributes() {
    $input = <<<EOD
<code class="diff">
    $expected = <<<EOD
<pre class="codeblock"><code class="language-php diff">line1&#10;line2&#10;</code></pre>
    $result = $this
      ->assertIdentical($expected, $result);

    // Existing language.
    $input = <<<EOD
<pre class="codeblock"><code class="language-css">
    $expected = <<<EOD
<pre class="codeblock"><code class="language-css">line1
    $result = $this
      ->assertIdentical($expected, $result);

   * Checks that CSS classes are added which JS uses for hover events.
  public function testContainerExpand() {
    $input = file_get_contents($this->path . '/php-input.txt');
    $settings = array(
      'nowrap_expand' => TRUE,
    $result = $this
      ->filterText($input, $settings);
      ->assertTrue(strpos($result, '<pre class="codeblock nowrap-expand">') !== FALSE, 'Expand class is added to codefilter_prism blocks that are too long when that option is specified.');

   * Overrides DrupalTestCase::assertIdentical().
   * Ignores $message and dump-exports $first and $second into the test result
   * output instead.
  protected function assertIdentical($first, $second, $message = '', $group = '') {
    $message = format_string('<pre>@first</pre> is identical to <pre>@second</pre>', array(
      '@first' => var_export($first, TRUE),
      '@second' => var_export($second, TRUE),
    parent::assertIdentical($first, $second, $message);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
CodeFilterPrismUnitTestCase::$filter private property
CodeFilterPrismUnitTestCase::$path private property
CodeFilterPrismUnitTestCase::assertIdentical protected function Overrides DrupalTestCase::assertIdentical(). Overrides DrupalTestCase::assertIdentical
CodeFilterPrismUnitTestCase::filterText protected function Filters text through codefilter_prisms prepare and process callbacks.
CodeFilterPrismUnitTestCase::getFilter protected function Returns a codefilter filter defintion, with prism enabled.
CodeFilterPrismUnitTestCase::getInfo public static function Implements getInfo().
CodeFilterPrismUnitTestCase::setUp protected function Sets up unit test environment. Overrides DrupalUnitTestCase::setUp
CodeFilterPrismUnitTestCase::testCodeFilterPrism public function Checks that <code> tags are escaped and highlighted correctly.
CodeFilterPrismUnitTestCase::testCodeFilterPrismAttributes public function Tests <code class="..."> tags (with attributes).
CodeFilterPrismUnitTestCase::testContainerExpand public function Checks that CSS classes are added which JS uses for hover events.
CodeFilterPrismUnitTestCase::testInlineFilter public function Checks that <code> and <?php inline escaped and highlighted correctly.
CodeFilterPrismUnitTestCase::testPhpFilter public function Checks that <?php tags are escaped and highlighted correctly.
CodeFilterPrismUnitTestCase::testPhpFilterWithMarkup public function Checks that <?php tags are escaped and highlighted correctly with markup.
DrupalTestCase::$assertions protected property Assertions thrown in that test case.
DrupalTestCase::$databasePrefix protected property The database prefix of this test run.
DrupalTestCase::$originalFileDirectory protected property The original file directory, before it was changed for testing purposes.
DrupalTestCase::$results public property Current results of this test case.
DrupalTestCase::$setup protected property Flag to indicate whether the test has been set up.
DrupalTestCase::$setupDatabasePrefix protected property
DrupalTestCase::$setupEnvironment protected property
DrupalTestCase::$skipClasses protected property This class is skipped when looking for the source of an assertion.
DrupalTestCase::$testId protected property The test run ID.
DrupalTestCase::$timeLimit protected property Time limit for the test.
DrupalTestCase::$useSetupInstallationCache public property Whether to cache the installation part of the setUp() method.
DrupalTestCase::$useSetupModulesCache public property Whether to cache the modules installation part of the setUp() method.
DrupalTestCase::$verboseDirectoryUrl protected property URL to the verbose output file directory.
DrupalTestCase::assert protected function Internal helper: stores the assert.
DrupalTestCase::assertEqual protected function Check to see if two values are equal.
DrupalTestCase::assertFalse protected function Check to see if a value is false (an empty string, 0, NULL, or FALSE).
DrupalTestCase::assertNotEqual protected function Check to see if two values are not equal.
DrupalTestCase::assertNotIdentical protected function Check to see if two values are not identical.
DrupalTestCase::assertNotNull protected function Check to see if a value is not NULL.
DrupalTestCase::assertNull protected function Check to see if a value is NULL.
DrupalTestCase::assertTrue protected function Check to see if a value is not false (not an empty string, 0, NULL, or FALSE).
DrupalTestCase::deleteAssert public static function Delete an assertion record by message ID.
DrupalTestCase::error protected function Fire an error assertion. 1
DrupalTestCase::errorHandler public function Handle errors during test runs. 1
DrupalTestCase::exceptionHandler protected function Handle exceptions.
DrupalTestCase::fail protected function Fire an assertion that is always negative.
DrupalTestCase::generatePermutations public static function Converts a list of possible parameters into a stack of permutations.
DrupalTestCase::getAssertionCall protected function Cycles through backtrace until the first non-assertion method is found.
DrupalTestCase::getDatabaseConnection public static function Returns the database connection to the site running Simpletest.
DrupalTestCase::insertAssert public static function Store an assertion from outside the testing context.
DrupalTestCase::pass protected function Fire an assertion that is always positive.
DrupalTestCase::randomName public static function Generates a random string containing letters and numbers.
DrupalTestCase::randomString public static function Generates a random string of ASCII characters of codes 32 to 126.
DrupalTestCase::run public function Run all tests in this class.
DrupalTestCase::verbose protected function Logs a verbose message in a text file.
DrupalUnitTestCase::tearDown protected function 1
DrupalUnitTestCase::__construct function Constructor for DrupalUnitTestCase. Overrides DrupalTestCase::__construct