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class SyncCoreFactory in CMS Content Sync 2.0.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 src/SyncCoreInterface/SyncCoreFactory.php \Drupal\cms_content_sync\SyncCoreInterface\SyncCoreFactory
  2. 2.1.x src/SyncCoreInterface/SyncCoreFactory.php \Drupal\cms_content_sync\SyncCoreInterface\SyncCoreFactory

Class SyncCoreFactory.

This is the central interface between Drupal and the Sync Core. Drupal will call ::getSyncCore() and then use the Sync Core library whereas the Sync Core library in return uses the interface functions provided here.


Expanded class hierarchy of SyncCoreFactory

12 files declare their use of SyncCoreFactory
CliService.php in src/Cli/CliService.php
cms_content_sync.install in ./cms_content_sync.install
Install file for cms_content_sync.
ContentSyncSettings.php in src/Controller/ContentSyncSettings.php
CopyRemoteFlow.php in src/Form/CopyRemoteFlow.php
DebugForm.php in src/Form/DebugForm.php

... See full list


src/SyncCoreInterface/SyncCoreFactory.php, line 14


View source
class SyncCoreFactory {

   * @var \EdgeBox\SyncCore\Interfaces\ISyncCore[]
  protected static $clients = [];
  protected static $v2 = null;

   * @var \EdgeBox\SyncCore\Interfaces\ISyncCore[]
  protected static $allSyncCores = null;
  public static function getSyncCoreV2Url() {
    $url = getenv('CONTENT_SYNC_SYNC_CORE_URL');
    if (!$url) {
      $url = DrupalApplication::get()
      if (!$url) {
        throw new \Exception('No Sync Core URL set. Please register this site first.');
    return $url;

   * Allow missing base URL.
   * @return \EdgeBox\SyncCore\V2\SyncCore
  public static function getDummySyncCoreV2() {
    try {
      return self::getSyncCoreV2();
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
    return new \EdgeBox\SyncCore\V2\SyncCore(DrupalApplication::get(), '');

   * @param mixed $based_on_current_setting
   * @return \EdgeBox\SyncCore\V2\SyncCore
  public static function getSyncCoreV2($based_on_current_setting = false) {
    if ($based_on_current_setting) {
      $url = DrupalApplication::get()
      if ($url) {
        return new \EdgeBox\SyncCore\V2\SyncCore(DrupalApplication::get(), $url);
    if (!empty(self::$v2)) {
      return self::$v2;
    return self::$v2 = new \EdgeBox\SyncCore\V2\SyncCore(DrupalApplication::get(), self::getSyncCoreV2Url());
  public static function getAllV1SyncCores() {
    $all = self::getAllSyncCores();
    $v1 = [];
    foreach ($all as $url => $core) {
      if ($core instanceof SyncCore) {
        $v1[$url] = $core;
    return $v1;

   * Return an instance of the ISyncCore Client for the given URL.
   * Cache clients.
   * @param string $sync_core_url
   *                              The base URL to the Sync Core
   * @return \EdgeBox\SyncCore\Interfaces\ISyncCore
  public static function getSyncCore($sync_core_url) {
    if (!empty(self::$clients[$sync_core_url])) {
      return self::$clients[$sync_core_url];
    return self::$clients[$sync_core_url] = new SyncCore(DrupalApplication::get(), $sync_core_url);

   * @return \EdgeBox\SyncCore\Interfaces\ISyncCore[]
  public static function getAllSyncCores() {
    if (!empty(self::$allSyncCores)) {
      return self::$allSyncCores;
    $cores = [];
    foreach (Pool::getAll() as $pool) {
      $url = parse_url($pool
      $host = $url['host'];
      if (isset($cores[$host])) {
      if ($pool
        ->useV2()) {
        $cores[$host] = self::getSyncCoreV2();
      else {
        $cores[$host] = self::getSyncCore($pool
    return self::$allSyncCores = $cores;
  public static function clearCache() {
    self::$allSyncCores = null;
    self::$clients = [];

   * @return null|\EdgeBox\SyncCore\Interfaces\ISyncCore
  public static function getAnySyncCore() {
    $cores = self::getAllSyncCores();
    if (!count($cores)) {
      return null;
    return reset($cores);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
SyncCoreFactory::$allSyncCores protected static property
SyncCoreFactory::$clients protected static property
SyncCoreFactory::$v2 protected static property
SyncCoreFactory::clearCache public static function
SyncCoreFactory::getAllSyncCores public static function
SyncCoreFactory::getAllV1SyncCores public static function
SyncCoreFactory::getAnySyncCore public static function
SyncCoreFactory::getDummySyncCoreV2 public static function Allow missing base URL.
SyncCoreFactory::getSyncCore public static function Return an instance of the ISyncCore Client for the given URL. Cache clients.
SyncCoreFactory::getSyncCoreV2 public static function
SyncCoreFactory::getSyncCoreV2Url public static function