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9 calls to EntityHandlerPluginManager::isEntityTypeFieldable() in CMS Content Sync 8

EntityHandlerPluginManager::getEntityTypeInfo in src/Plugin/Type/EntityHandlerPluginManager.php
Flow::getEntityTypeVersion in src/Entity/Flow.php
Get a unique version hash for the configuration of the provided entity type and bundle.
FlowForm::getCurrentValues in src/Form/FlowForm.php
Get the current values for the config entity. Data is collected in the following order:
ManualPull::content in src/Controller/ManualPull.php
Render the content synchronization Angular frontend.
PullEntity::get in src/Plugin/rest/resource/PullEntity.php
Responds to entity GET requests.
PushIntent::getEntityChangedTime in src/PushIntent.php
Get the changed date of the entity. Not all entities provide the required attribute and even those aren't consistently saving it so this method takes care of these exceptions.
SyncCoreFlowExport::addConfiguration in src/SyncCoreFlowExport.php
Create all entity types, connections and synchronizations as required.
_cms_content_sync_display_entity_type_differences_recursively in ./cms_content_sync.module
Get HTML for a list of entity type differences and include all referenced entity types.
_cms_content_sync_form_alter_disabled_fields in ./cms_content_sync.module
Disable all form elements if the content has been pulled and the user should not be able to alter pulled content.