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31 calls to Pool::getAll() in CMS Content Sync 8

CliService::configuration_export in src/Cli/CliService.php
Export the configuration to the Sync Core.
cms_content_sync_update_8010 in ./cms_content_sync.install
Promote Site ID + Authentication type as a side-wide property rather than a setting per pool.
ContentSyncSettings::isDirectSyncCoreAccessEnabled in src/Controller/ContentSyncSettings.php
Whether or not users can directly communicate with the Sync Core. This only makes sense if the Sync Core is exposed publicly so right it's restricted to the Cloud version of Content Sync. The setting is saved in the Sync Core, not locally at this…
ContentSyncSettings::setDirectSyncCoreAccessEnabled in src/Controller/ContentSyncSettings.php
Set whether or not to allow direct Sync Core communication.
CopyRemoteFlow::flowImportForm in src/Form/CopyRemoteFlow.php
Step 4: Adjust configuration before importing.
CopyRemoteFlow::getNewRemotePools in src/Form/CopyRemoteFlow.php
Get all pools that exist in the Sync Core but *NOT* locally.
CopyRemoteFlow::syncCoreForm in src/Form/CopyRemoteFlow.php
Step 1: Select Sync Core or enter new Sync Core URL.
EntityHandlerPluginManager::getEntityTypeInfo in src/Plugin/Type/EntityHandlerPluginManager.php
EntityStatus::saveSelectedPoolsToPushTo in src/Entity/EntityStatus.php
Flow::getDefaultFieldConfigForEntityType in src/Entity/Flow.php
Flow::getPoolsToPushTo in src/Entity/Flow.php
Get a list of all pools that are used for pushing this entity, either automatically or manually selected.
Flow::getUsedPools in src/Entity/Flow.php
Get a list of all pools this Flow is using.
Flow::getUsedPoolsForPulling in src/Entity/Flow.php
Get a list of all pools that are used for pushing this entity, either automatically or manually selected.
FlowForm::form in src/Form/FlowForm.php
Gets the actual form array to be built.
FlowForm::getCurrentValues in src/Form/FlowForm.php
Get the current values for the config entity. Data is collected in the following order:
FlowForm::renderEnabledBundle in src/Form/FlowForm.php
Render the bundle edit form.
FlowForm::renderFields in src/Form/FlowForm.php
Render the fields of the given entity type; either all of them or only those that either have:
FlowForm::validateForm in src/Form/FlowForm.php
Form validation handler.
FlowPull::pullAll in src/Controller/FlowPull.php
Kindly ask the Sync Core to pull all entities that are auto pulled.
ManualPull::content in src/Controller/ManualPull.php
Render the content synchronization Angular frontend.
Pool::createPool in src/Entity/Pool.php
Create a pool configuration programmatically.
Pool::getAllSitesWithDifferentEntityTypeVersion in src/Entity/Pool.php
Get a list of all sites from all pools that use a different version ID and provide a diff on field basis.
Pool::getValueOptions in modules/cms_content_sync_views/src/Plugin/views/filter/Pool.php
Child classes should be used to override this function and set the 'value options', unless 'options callback' is defined as a valid function or static public method to generate these values.
PoolAssignmentForm::buildForm in src/Form/PoolAssignmentForm.php
Form constructor.
PoolForm::getRemotePools in src/Form/PoolForm.php
List all remote pools that aren't used locally yet.
PoolForm::syncCoreForm in src/Form/PoolForm.php
Step 2: Enter or select site ID.
PushIntent::pushReference in src/PushIntent.php
SyncCoreFactory::getAllSyncCores in src/SyncCoreInterface/SyncCoreFactory.php
SyncCoreFlowExport::addConfiguration in src/SyncCoreFlowExport.php
Create all entity types, connections and synchronizations as required.
SyncHealth::filterSyncCoreLogMessages in modules/cms_content_sync_health/src/Controller/SyncHealth.php
Filter the given messages to only display those related to this site.
_cms_content_sync_is_cloud_version in ./cms_content_sync.module
Check whether the Sync Cores used are Cloud based. Default if none exist is YES.