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28 calls to EntityStatus::getInfosForEntity() in CMS Content Sync 8

CliService::push in src/Cli/CliService.php
Push all entities for a specific flow.
cms_content_sync_entity_delete in ./cms_content_sync.module
Push the entity deletion automatically if configured to do so.
cms_content_sync_show_usage_operation in ./cms_content_sync.module
DebugForm::debugEntity in src/Form/DebugForm.php
EntityHandlerBase::ignorePush in src/Plugin/EntityHandlerBase.php
Check if the entity should not be ignored from the push.
EntityStatus::getLastPullForEntity in src/Entity/EntityStatus.php
EntityStatus::getLastPushForEntity in src/Entity/EntityStatus.php
EntityStatus::isOverriddenLocally in src/Entity/EntityStatus.php
Returns the information if the user override the entity locally.
EntityStatus::isSourceEntity in src/Entity/EntityStatus.php
Returns the information if the entity has originally been created on this site.
EntityStatus::setLastPull in src/Entity/EntityStatus.php
Set the last pull timestamp.
Flow::canPushEntity in src/Entity/Flow.php
Ask this Flow whether or not it can push the given entity.
Flow::getFlowsForPushing in src/Entity/Flow.php
Get all flows pushing this entity.
Flow::isLocalDeletionAllowed in src/Entity/Flow.php
Check whether the local deletion of the given entity is allowed.
FlowPull::force_pull_entity in src/Controller/FlowPull.php
Force pull an entity for a specific flow.
FlowPush::batch in src/Controller/FlowPush.php
Batch push callback for the push-all operation.
MissingDependencyManager::saveResolvedDependencies in src/MissingDependencyManager.php
Pool::getAllExternalUsages in src/Entity/Pool.php
Get a list of all sites for all pools that are using this entity. Only works for pools that are connected to the entity on this site.
PullEntity::getPreviewItemData in src/Plugin/rest/resource/PullEntity.php
PushEntities::addEntity in src/Controller/PushEntities.php
PushIntent::addReference in src/PushIntent.php
Push the provided entity as a simple reference. There is no guarantee the referenced entity will be available on the remote site as well, but if it is, it will be de-referenced. If you need the referenced entity to be available, use {
PushIntent::pushEntity in src/PushIntent.php
Helper function to push an entity and throw errors if anything fails.
SyncState::render in modules/cms_content_sync_views/src/Plugin/views/field/SyncState.php
_cms_content_sync_add_push_pool_form in ./cms_content_sync.module
Add the push widgets to the form, providing flow and pool selection.
_cms_content_sync_form_alter_disabled_fields in ./cms_content_sync.module
Disable all form elements if the content has been pulled and the user should not be able to alter pulled content.
_cms_content_sync_override_embedded_entity_save_status_entity in ./cms_content_sync.module
_cms_content_sync_override_entity_submit in ./cms_content_sync.module
Entity status update.
_cms_content_sync_reset_entity in ./cms_content_sync.module
_prevent_entity_export in ./cms_content_sync.module
Prevent Export.