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class FlowControllerSimple in CMS Content Sync 2.1.x


Expanded class hierarchy of FlowControllerSimple

6 files declare their use of FlowControllerSimple
Embed.php in src/Controller/Embed.php
Flow.php in src/Entity/Flow.php
MigratePull.php in modules/cms_content_sync_migrate_acquia_content_hub/src/Form/MigratePull.php
MigratePush.php in modules/cms_content_sync_migrate_acquia_content_hub/src/Form/MigratePush.php
SimpleFlowSetupHelper.php in src/Helper/SimpleFlowSetupHelper.php

... See full list


src/Controller/FlowControllerSimple.php, line 13


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class FlowControllerSimple extends FlowControllerBase implements IFlowController {
  const ASSIGN_ALL_POOLS = 'force';
  const ASSIGN_POOLS_MANUALLY = 'allow';
  const MODE_AUTOMATICALLY = 'automatically';
  const MODE_MANUALLY = 'manually';
  const MODE_DEFAULT = 'default';
  const MODE_DEPENDENT = 'dependency';
  const MODE_IGNORE = 'disabled';

   * A virtual Flow is not saved to the database and only used temporarily, e.g.
   * to serialize an entity at the SyncCoreEntityItemResource that is used by
   * the embed service, e.g. to get taxonomy terms for the flow form to use the
   * "subscribe only to" option.
   * @var boolean
  protected $virtual = false;
  public function isVirtual($set = null) {
    if ($set !== null) {
      $this->virtual = $set;
    return $this->virtual;

   * Create a flow configuration programmatically.
   * @param $flow_name
   * @param string $flow_id
   * @param bool   $status
   * @param array  $dependencies
   * @param $configurations
   * @param bool $force_update
   * @return SimpleFlowSetupHelper
  public static function createFlow(string $type, string $flow_name, ?string $flow_id = null, $status = true, ?array $pools = null, array $dependencies = [], bool $force_update = false) {
    $flows = Flow::getAll(true);

    // If no flow_id is given, create one.
    if (empty($flow_id)) {
      $flow_id = strtolower($flow_name);
      $flow_id = preg_replace('@[^a-z0-9_]+@', '_', $flow_id);
    if (!$force_update && array_key_exists($flow_id, $flows)) {
        ->addMessage('A flow with the machine name ' . $flow_id . ' already exists. Creation has been skipped.', 'warning');
      return $flow_id;
    $uuid_service = \Drupal::service('uuid');
    $language_manager = \Drupal::service('language_manager');
    $default_language = $language_manager
    $config = [
      'dependencies' => $dependencies,
    $flow_config = \Drupal::service('config.factory')
      ->getEditable('cms_content_sync.flow.' . $flow_id);

    // Setup base configurations.
      ->set('uuid', $uuid_service
      ->set('langcode', $default_language
      ->set('status', $status)
      ->set('id', $flow_id)
      ->set('name', $flow_name)
      ->set('type', $type)
      ->set('variant', Flow::VARIANT_SIMPLE)
      ->set('config', $config)
      ->set('simple_settings', [
      'poolAssignment' => self::ASSIGN_ALL_POOLS,
      'mode' => self::MODE_AUTOMATICALLY,
      'deletions' => true,
      'updateBehavior' => PullIntent::PULL_UPDATE_FORCE_AND_FORBID_EDITING,
      'ignoreUnpublishedChanges' => true,
      'allowExplicitUnpublishing' => true,
      'pushMenuItems' => true,
      'pushPreviews' => true,
      'mergeLocalChanges' => true,
      'resolveUserReferences' => 'name',
      'poolSelectionWidget' => 'checkboxes',
      'entityTypeSettings' => [],
      'pools' => $pools,
    $flows = Flow::getAll(true, true);
    return new SimpleFlowSetupHelper($flows[$flow_id]);

   * @inheritDoc
  public function getEntityTypeConfig($find_entity_type = null, $find_entity_bundle = null, $used_only = false, $include_new_versions = false) {
    $result = [];

    // TODO: Cache result per Flow if no $find_* parameter is given and return the cached result.
    $settings = $this->flow->simple_settings;
    $is_push = $this->flow->type === Flow::TYPE_PUSH;
    $merge_local_changes = $settings['mergeLocalChanges'];
    $selected_pools = [];
    $selected_pools_manual_assignment = [];
    $auto_assign_pools = $settings['poolAssignment'] === self::ASSIGN_ALL_POOLS;
    $used_pools = $this
    $pools = Pool::getAll();
    foreach ($pools as $id => $pool) {
      if (isset($used_pools[$id])) {
        $selected_pools_manual_assignment[$id] = Pool::POOL_USAGE_ALLOW;
        if ($auto_assign_pools) {
          $selected_pools[$id] = Pool::POOL_USAGE_FORCE;
        else {
          $selected_pools[$id] = Pool::POOL_USAGE_ALLOW;
      else {
        $selected_pools[$id] = Pool::POOL_USAGE_FORBID;
    $entity_plugin_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.cms_content_sync_entity_handler');
    $field_plugin_manager = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.cms_content_sync_field_handler');
    $entity_field_manager = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager');
    $field_map = $entity_field_manager
    $entity_types = \Drupal::service('')
    $entity_type_versions = $this
    $assign_pools_manually_to_dependencies = empty($settings['assignPoolsManuallyToDependencies']) ? [] : $settings['assignPoolsManuallyToDependencies'];
    foreach ($entity_types as $entity_type_name => $bundles) {
      if (empty($settings['entityTypeSettings'][$entity_type_name])) {
      if ($find_entity_type && $entity_type_name !== $find_entity_type) {
      foreach ($bundles as $bundle_name => $entity_bundle) {
        if ($find_entity_bundle && $bundle_name !== $find_entity_bundle) {
        $info = EntityHandlerPluginManager::getEntityTypeInfo($entity_type_name, $bundle_name);
        if (!empty($info['no_entity_type_handler']) || !empty($info['required_field_not_supported'])) {
        if (!empty($settings['entityTypeSettings'][$entity_type_name]['allBundles'])) {
          $bundle_settings = $settings['entityTypeSettings'][$entity_type_name]['allBundles'];
        elseif (!empty($settings['entityTypeSettings'][$entity_type_name]['perBundle'][$bundle_name])) {
          $bundle_settings = $settings['entityTypeSettings'][$entity_type_name]['perBundle'][$bundle_name];
        else {
        if ($bundle_settings['mode'] === self::MODE_IGNORE) {
        elseif ($bundle_settings['mode'] === self::MODE_DEFAULT) {
          $mode = $settings['mode'];
        else {
          $mode = $bundle_settings['mode'];
        $entity_handlers = $entity_plugin_manager
          ->getHandlerOptions($entity_type_name, $bundle_name, true);
        if (!count($entity_handlers)) {
        $entity_handler_names = array_keys($entity_handlers);
        $handler_id = reset($entity_handler_names);
        $pool_assignment = in_array($entity_type_name, $assign_pools_manually_to_dependencies) ? $selected_pools_manual_assignment : $selected_pools;
        $result[$entity_type_name][$bundle_name] = [
          'version' => $include_new_versions || $this->virtual ? Flow::getEntityTypeVersion($entity_type_name, $bundle_name) : (empty($entity_type_versions[$entity_type_name][$bundle_name]) ? null : $entity_type_versions[$entity_type_name][$bundle_name]),
          'handler' => $handler_id,
          'handler_settings' => [
            'ignore_unpublished' => $settings['ignoreUnpublishedChanges'] ? 1 : 0,
            'allow_explicit_unpublishing' => $settings['allowExplicitUnpublishing'] ? 1 : 0,
            'export_menu_items' => $settings['pushMenuItems'] ? 1 : 0,
            'export_crop' => 1,
          'export' => $is_push ? $mode : self::MODE_IGNORE,
          'export_pools' => $is_push ? $pool_assignment : [],
          'export_deletion_settings' => [
            'export_deletion' => $settings['deletions'] ? 1 : 0,
          'pool_export_widget_type' => $settings['poolSelectionWidget'],
          'preview' => $settings['pushPreviews'] && !empty($settings['entityTypeSettings'][$entity_type_name]['perBundle'][$bundle_name]['previewViewMode']) ? $settings['entityTypeSettings'][$entity_type_name]['perBundle'][$bundle_name]['previewViewMode'] : Flow::PREVIEW_DISABLED,
          'import' => $is_push ? self::MODE_IGNORE : $mode,
          'import_pools' => $is_push ? [] : $selected_pools,
          'import_deletion_settings' => [
            'import_deletion' => $settings['deletions'] ? 1 : 0,
            'allow_local_deletion_of_import' => $settings['allowLocalDeletion'] ? 1 : 0,
          'import_updates' => $settings['updateBehavior'],
          'properties' => [],
        $handler = $entity_plugin_manager
          ->createInstance($handler_id, [
          'entity_type_name' => $entity_type_name,
          'bundle_name' => $bundle_name,
          'settings' => $result[$entity_type_name][$bundle_name]['handler_settings'],
          'sync' => null,
        if (isset($field_map[$entity_type_name])) {
          $forbidden_fields = $handler
          $pools = Pool::getAll();
          if (count($pools)) {
            $reserved = reset($pools)
            $forbidden_fields = array_merge($forbidden_fields, $reserved);
          $fields = $entity_field_manager
            ->getFieldDefinitions($entity_type_name, $bundle_name);
          foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
            $field_handlers = $field_plugin_manager
              ->getHandlerOptions($entity_type_name, $bundle_name, $key, $field, true);
            $ignore = in_array($key, $forbidden_fields) || empty($field_handlers);
            $handler_id = $ignore ? 'ignore' : key($field_handlers);
            $referenced_type = null;
            if (in_array($field
              ->getType(), [
            ])) {
              $referenced_type = $field
            elseif (in_array($field
              ->getType(), [
            ])) {
              $referenced_type = 'file';
            elseif (in_array($field
              ->getType(), [
            ])) {
              $referenced_type = 'brick';
            elseif (in_array($field
              ->getType(), [
            ])) {
              $referenced_type = 'field_collection_item';
            $push_referenced_entities = $this->virtual ? false : !$referenced_type || !in_array($referenced_type, $assign_pools_manually_to_dependencies);
            $subscribe_only_to = null;
            if (!empty($settings['entityTypeSettings'][$entity_type_name]['perBundle'][$bundle_name]['filterByReference'])) {
              foreach ($settings['entityTypeSettings'][$entity_type_name]['perBundle'][$bundle_name]['filterByReference'] as $filter) {
                if ($filter['fieldMachineName'] === $key) {
                  $subscribe_only_to = [];
                  foreach ($filter['values'] as $value) {
                    $subscribe_only_to[] = [
                      'type' => $value['namespaceMachineName'],
                      'bundle' => $value['machineName'],
                      'uuid' => $value['remoteUuid'],
            $field_settings = [
              'handler' => $handler_id,
              'export' => null,
              'import' => null,
              'preview' => null,
              'entity_type' => $entity_type_name,
              'entity_bundle' => $bundle_name,
              'handler_settings' => [
                'identification' => $settings['resolveUserReferences'],
                'export_referenced_custom_blocks' => 1,
                'export_referenced_entities' => $push_referenced_entities ? 1 : 0,
                'merge_local_changes' => $merge_local_changes ? 1 : 0,
                'subscribe_only_to' => $subscribe_only_to,
            if (!$ignore) {

               * @var \Drupal\cms_content_sync\Plugin\FieldHandlerInterface $handler
              $handler = $field_plugin_manager
                ->createInstance($handler_id, [
                'entity_type_name' => $entity_type_name,
                'bundle_name' => $bundle_name,
                'field_name' => $key,
                'field_definition' => $field,
                'settings' => $field_settings,
                'sync' => $this->flow,
              $allowed_push_options = $handler
              if ($is_push && in_array(PushIntent::PUSH_AUTOMATICALLY, $allowed_push_options)) {
                $field_settings['export'] = PushIntent::PUSH_AUTOMATICALLY;
              $allowed_pull_options = $handler
              if (!$is_push && in_array(PullIntent::PULL_AUTOMATICALLY, $allowed_pull_options)) {
                $field_settings['import'] = PullIntent::PULL_AUTOMATICALLY;
            $result[$entity_type_name][$bundle_name]['properties'][$key] = $field_settings;
        if ($find_entity_type && $find_entity_bundle) {
          return $result[$entity_type_name][$bundle_name];
    return $result;
  protected function getExportedEntityTypeVersions() {
    $status = \Drupal::state()
      ->get('cms_content_sync.flow_status_' . $this->flow->id);
    if (empty($status)) {
      return [];
    return $status['entity_type_versions'];

   * @inheritDoc
  public function needsEntityTypeUpdate() {
    $old_versions = $this
      ->getEntityTypeConfig(null, null, false, false);
    $new_versions = $this
      ->getEntityTypeConfig(null, null, false, true);
    foreach ($old_versions as $entity_type_name => $bundles) {
      foreach ($bundles as $bundle_name => $config) {
        if ($config['version'] !== $new_versions[$entity_type_name][$bundle_name]['version']) {
          return true;
    return false;

   * @inheritDoc
  public function getPropertyConfig(string $entity_type, string $entity_bundle, string $property) {
    $bundle_settings = $this
      ->getEntityTypeConfig($entity_type, $entity_bundle);
    if (empty($bundle_settings['properties'][$property])) {
      return NULL;
    return $bundle_settings['properties'][$property];

   * Get the values for the embed Flow form.
   * @return array
  public function getFormValues() {
    return [
      'values' => $this->flow->simple_settings + [
        'machineName' => $this->flow->id,
        'name' => $this->flow->name,
        'type' => $this->flow->type,
    ] + FlowControllerSimple::getFormConfig($this->flow);

   * Store the values from the embed Flow form.
   * @return void
  public function setFormValues(array $values) {
    $this->flow->name = $values['name'];
    $this->flow->simple_settings = $values;
  public const FLOW_FORM_VERSION = 1;
  public static function getFormValuesForNewFlow(?Flow $flow) {
    $values = $flow ? [
      'machineName' => $flow->id,
      'name' => $flow->name,
    ] : [];
    return [
      'values' => $values,
    ] + FlowControllerSimple::getFormConfig($flow);
  protected static function getFormConfig(?Flow $flow) {
    $all_pools = Pool::getAll();
    $pools = [];
    foreach ($all_pools as $pool) {
      $pools[] = [
        'name' => $pool
        'machineName' => $pool
    $all_flows = Flow::getAll(TRUE);
    $reserved_flows = [];
    $pushed_bundles = [];
    $pulled_bundles = [];
    $pushed_pools = [];
    $pulled_pools = [];
    foreach ($all_flows as $flow_item) {
      if ($flow && $flow->id === $flow_item->id) {
      $reserved_flows[] = $flow_item->id;
      foreach ($flow_item
        ->getEntityTypeConfig() as $entity_type_name => $bundles) {
        foreach ($bundles as $bundle_name => $settings) {
          $bundle = [
            'namespaceMachineName' => $entity_type_name,
            'machineName' => $bundle_name,
          if ($settings['export'] === PushIntent::PUSH_AUTOMATICALLY || $settings['export'] === PushIntent::PUSH_MANUALLY) {
            if (!in_array($bundle, $pushed_bundles)) {
              $pushed_bundles[] = $bundle;
            foreach ($settings['export_pools'] as $pool_id => $pool_mode) {
              if ($pool_mode !== Pool::POOL_USAGE_FORBID && !in_array($pool_id, $pushed_pools)) {
                $pushed_pools[] = $pool_id;
          if ($settings['import'] === PullIntent::PULL_AUTOMATICALLY || $settings['import'] === PullIntent::PULL_MANUALLY) {
            if (!in_array($bundle, $pulled_bundles)) {
              $pulled_bundles[] = $bundle;
            foreach ($settings['import_pools'] as $pool_id => $pool_mode) {
              if ($pool_mode !== Pool::POOL_USAGE_FORBID && !in_array($pool_id, $pulled_pools)) {
                $pulled_pools[] = $pool_id;
    $bundles = [];
    $entity_types = \Drupal::service('')
    $entity_field_manager = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager');
    $display_modes = \Drupal::service('entity_type.manager')
    foreach ($entity_types as $entity_type_machine_name => $type_bundles) {
      foreach ($type_bundles as $bundle_machine_name => $bundle) {

        // Always ignore webform submissions as they will not even provide a
        // correct machine name (using numbers).
        if ($entity_type_machine_name === 'webform_submission') {
        $info = EntityHandlerPluginManager::getEntityTypeInfo($entity_type_machine_name, $bundle_machine_name);
        $display_modes_ids = array_keys($display_modes);
        $available_preview_modes = [];
        foreach ($display_modes_ids as $id) {
          $length = strlen($entity_type_machine_name) + strlen($bundle_machine_name) + 2;
          if (substr($id, 0, $length) != $entity_type_machine_name . '.' . $bundle_machine_name . '.') {
          $id = substr($id, $length);
          $label = $id;
          $available_preview_modes[$id] = $label;
        $missing_fields = array_merge(isset($info['unsupported_required_fields']) ? $info['unsupported_required_fields'] : [], isset($info['unsupported_optional_fields']) ? $info['unsupported_optional_fields'] : []);
        $reference_fields = [];
        if (EntityHandlerPluginManager::isEntityTypeFieldable($entity_type_machine_name)) {

           * @var \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface[] $fields
          $fields = $entity_field_manager
            ->getFieldDefinitions($entity_type_machine_name, $bundle_machine_name);
          foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
            $referenced_type = null;
            $referenced_bundles = null;
            if (in_array($field
              ->getType(), [
            ])) {
              $referenced_type = $field
            elseif (in_array($field
              ->getType(), [
            ])) {
              $referenced_type = 'file';
            elseif (in_array($field
              ->getType(), [
            ])) {
              $referenced_type = 'brick';
            elseif (in_array($field
              ->getType(), [
            ])) {
              $referenced_type = 'field_collection_item';
            if (!$referenced_type) {
            $item = [
              'machineName' => $key,
              'name' => $field
              'targetNamespaceMachineName' => $referenced_type,
            $field_settings = $field
            if ((!empty($field_settings['handler_settings']) || 'brick' === $referenced_type) && !empty($field_settings['handler_settings']['target_bundles'])) {
              $referenced_bundles = [];
              foreach ($field_settings['handler_settings']['target_bundles'] as $target_bundle) {
                $referenced_bundles[] = $target_bundle;
              $item['targetMachineNames'] = $referenced_bundles;
            $reference_fields[] = $item;
        $bundles[] = [
          'namespaceMachineName' => $entity_type_machine_name,
          'machineName' => $bundle_machine_name,
          'name' => $bundle['label'],
          'supported' => $info['is_supported'],
          'isConfiguration' => EntityHandlerPluginManager::isEntityTypeConfiguration($entity_type_machine_name),
          'viewModes' => $available_preview_modes,
          'unsupportedFields' => $missing_fields,
          'referenceFields' => $reference_fields,
    return [
      'bundles' => $bundles,
      'pools' => $pools,
      'reservedFlowMachineNames' => $reserved_flows,
      'pushedEntityTypes' => $pushed_bundles,
      'pulledEntityTypes' => $pulled_bundles,
      'pushedPools' => $pushed_pools,
      'pulledPools' => $pulled_pools,

   * @return null|string
  public function getType() {
    return Flow::TYPE_PUSH;
    return Flow::TYPE_PULL;
  public function updateEntityTypeVersions() {
    $status = \Drupal::state()
      ->get('cms_content_sync.flow_status_' . $this->flow->id);
    if (empty($status)) {
      $status = [];
    $types = $this
      ->getEntityTypeConfig(null, null, false, true);
    $versions = [];
    foreach ($types as $entity_type_name => $bundles) {
      foreach ($bundles as $bundle_name => $config) {
        $versions[$entity_type_name][$bundle_name] = $config['version'];
    $status['entity_type_versions'] = $versions;
      ->set('cms_content_sync.flow_status_' . $this->flow->id, $status);
  public function usesPool($pool) {
    $settings = $this->flow->simple_settings;
    if (!isset($settings['pools']) || !is_array($settings['pools'])) {
      return true;
    return in_array($pool->id, $settings['pools']);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
FlowControllerBase::$flow protected property
FlowControllerBase::canPullEntity public function Ask this Flow whether or not it can push the provided entity.
FlowControllerBase::canPushEntity public function @inheritDoc
FlowControllerBase::canPushEntityType public function @inheritDoc
FlowControllerBase::getEntityTypeHandler public function The the entity type handler for the given config.
FlowControllerBase::getEntityTypesToPull public function @inheritDoc
FlowControllerBase::getFieldHandler public function Get the correct field handler instance for this entity type and field config.
FlowControllerBase::getPoolsToPushTo public function Get a list of all pools that are used for pushing this entity, either automatically or manually selected.
FlowControllerBase::getPreviewType public function Get the preview type.
FlowControllerBase::getUsedPools public function Get a list of all pools this Flow is using.
FlowControllerBase::getUsedPoolsForPulling public function Get a list of all pools that are used for pushing this entity, either automatically or manually selected.
FlowControllerBase::supportsEntity public function Ask this synchronization whether it supports the provided entity. Returns false if either the entity type is not known or the config handler is set to {
FlowControllerBase::__construct public function
FlowControllerSimple::$virtual protected property A virtual Flow is not saved to the database and only used temporarily, e.g. to serialize an entity at the SyncCoreEntityItemResource that is used by the embed service, e.g. to get taxonomy terms for the flow form to use the "subscribe only…
FlowControllerSimple::ASSIGN_ALL_POOLS constant
FlowControllerSimple::ASSIGN_POOLS_MANUALLY constant
FlowControllerSimple::createFlow public static function Create a flow configuration programmatically.
FlowControllerSimple::FLOW_FORM_VERSION public constant
FlowControllerSimple::getEntityTypeConfig public function @inheritDoc Overrides IFlowController::getEntityTypeConfig
FlowControllerSimple::getExportedEntityTypeVersions protected function
FlowControllerSimple::getFormConfig protected static function
FlowControllerSimple::getFormValues public function Get the values for the embed Flow form.
FlowControllerSimple::getFormValuesForNewFlow public static function
FlowControllerSimple::getPropertyConfig public function @inheritDoc Overrides IFlowController::getPropertyConfig
FlowControllerSimple::getType public function Overrides IFlowController::getType
FlowControllerSimple::isVirtual public function
FlowControllerSimple::MODE_AUTOMATICALLY constant
FlowControllerSimple::MODE_DEFAULT constant
FlowControllerSimple::MODE_DEPENDENT constant
FlowControllerSimple::MODE_IGNORE constant
FlowControllerSimple::MODE_MANUALLY constant
FlowControllerSimple::needsEntityTypeUpdate public function @inheritDoc Overrides IFlowController::needsEntityTypeUpdate
FlowControllerSimple::setFormValues public function Store the values from the embed Flow form.
FlowControllerSimple::updateEntityTypeVersions public function Cache the current version per entity type. Overrides IFlowController::updateEntityTypeVersions
FlowControllerSimple::usesPool public function Check if the given pool is used by this Flow. If any handler set the flow as FORCE or ALLOW, this will return TRUE. Overrides FlowControllerBase::usesPool