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node.type.cms_blog.yml in Glazed CMS Blog 8



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  1. langcode: en
  2. status: true
  3. dependencies:
  4. enforced:
  5. module:
  6. - cms_blog
  7. module:
  8. - menu_ui
  9. third_party_settings:
  10. menu_ui:
  11. available_menus:
  12. - main
  13. parent: 'main:'
  14. name: 'Blog Post'
  15. type: cms_blog
  16. description: 'Page with tags and categories support for creating blog style content. The <em>Glazed Drupal CMS Magazine</em> module adds Magazine features to this component.'
  17. help: ''
  18. new_revision: false
  19. preview_mode: 1
  20. display_submitted: true