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function cmis_content_create in CMIS API 6

Implementation of CMIS content creation page. Allows user to create a text or html file and upload it to CMIS repository. Required input from user is the space path where the content will be stored. Optional inputs include content description, author etc.

1 string reference to 'cmis_content_create'
cmis_content_menu in cmis_content/cmis_content.module
Implementation of hook_menu() for CMIS module.


cmis_content/cmis_content.module, line 85


function cmis_content_create() {
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'cmis_content') . '/cmis_content.css');
  $contents = '';
  $contents .= drupal_get_form('cmis_content_create_form');
  return $contents;