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function cmis_content_contents in CMIS API 6

Display CMIS document list based on the path configurations.

1 call to cmis_content_contents()
cmis_content_block in cmis_content/cmis_content.module
Implementation of hook_block() for CMIS content module.


cmis_content/cmis_content.module, line 396


function cmis_content_contents($which_block) {
  switch ($which_block) {
    case 1:
      $content = array();
      foreach (variable_get('cmis_target_document_items', array()) as $item) {
        if ($item != '/') {
          $content[] = cmis_content_generate_doc_view($item);
      return implode('<br />', $content);
    case 2:

      // It is possible that your block will not have any content, since it is
      // probably dynamically constructed. In this case, Drupal will not display
      // the block at all.