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function cmis_common_lib_check in CMIS API 7.2

1 string reference to 'cmis_common_lib_check'
cmis_common_menu in cmis_common/cmis_common.module
Implementation of hook_menu().


cmis_common/cmis_common.module, line 35


function cmis_common_lib_check() {
  $library = libraries_detect('cmis-phplib');
  if ($library['installed']) {
    $string = t('PHP CMIS Library detected - everything is good!');
    $string .= "<p>" . t("Found at: root/libraries/cmis-phplib/cmis-lib.php") . "</p>";
    return $string;
  else {
    $string = '<h1 class="error">' . t('PHP CMIS Library not detected') . '</h1>';
    $string .= '<p>' . t('Please download the PHP CMIS Library from apache chemistry (') . '</p>';
    $string .= "<p>" . t('Please check you libraries directory, the CMIS lib should be located at') . "<site>/libraries/cmis-phplib/cmis-lib.php" . t(' or equivalent') . "</p>";
    return $string;