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12 calls to cloud_zoom_get_settings() in Cloud Zoom 6

cloud_zoom_admin_overview in ./
The admin overview page callback - provides a table of fields configured with the cloud_zoom display settings
cloud_zoom_admin_preset_delete_confirm_submit in ./
Delete preset confirm form submit hanlder
cloud_zoom_admin_preset_edit_form_submit_save in ./
Submit handler for the save button - this saves any settings which differ from the defaults. If there are no differing options, the sub-section is removed.
cloud_zoom_admin_preset_edit_form_validate in ./
Validate handler for the above form
cloud_zoom_field_formatter_info in ./cloud_zoom.module
Implementation of hook_field_formatter().
cloud_zoom_preset_features_export in ./
Implementation of hook_features_export().
cloud_zoom_preset_features_export_options in ./
Implementation of hook_features_export_options().
cloud_zoom_preset_features_export_render in ./
Implementation of hook_features_export_options_render().
cloud_zoom_preset_features_revert in ./
Implementation of hook_features_revert().
cloud_zoom_preset_name_load in ./cloud_zoom.module
Preset loader. Used for Menu API wildcard loader.
cloud_zoom_theme in ./cloud_zoom.module
Implementation of hook_theme().
theme_cloud_zoom_formatter_imagefield in ./
Theme handler for the cloud_zoom effect