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function cloud_zoom_admin_preset_edit_form_submit_save in Cloud Zoom 6

Submit handler for the save button - this saves any settings which differ from the defaults. If there are no differing options, the sub-section is removed.

1 string reference to 'cloud_zoom_admin_preset_edit_form_submit_save'
cloud_zoom_admin_preset_edit_form in ./
The edit form callback - provides editable fields for all the "default" options


./, line 294
This file contains al the admin-only function


function cloud_zoom_admin_preset_edit_form_submit_save(&$form, &$form_state) {

  // Get the preset from the form
  $preset = $form_state['values']['preset'];

  // If there is an original preset, delete the old name
  if (isset($form['#original_preset'])) {

    // If the original preset isn't 'normal' (ie it IS module defined)
    // Then lock the name
    if ($form['#original_preset']['storage'] != CLOUD_ZOOM_STORAGE_NORMAL) {
      $preset['name'] = $form['#original_preset']['name'];

    // Remove the old settings - this stops dupes when you rename
    db_query("DELETE FROM {cloud_zoom_presets} WHERE name = '%s'", $form['#original_preset']['name']);

  // Get the default settings
  $defaults = _cloud_zoom_default_settings();

  // For every submitted setting, if the value equals the default then unset it
  foreach ($preset['settings'] as $option => $val) {
    if ($val == $defaults[$option]['default']) {

  // Write changes
  drupal_write_record('cloud_zoom_presets', $preset);

  // Clear the cache
  cloud_zoom_get_settings(NULL, TRUE);

  // Rebuild some other caches - need to do this in case a preset is renamed or new
  // @todo - make a flag to make this 'optional'

  // Redirect to the overview
  $form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/settings/cloudzoom';