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function crypt_blowfish_admin in Web Service Clients 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 backends/clients_drupal/crypt_blowfish/crypt_blowfish.module \crypt_blowfish_admin()
  2. 7.3 connections/clients_drupal/crypt_blowfish/crypt_blowfish.module \crypt_blowfish_admin()
  3. 7 backends/clients_drupal/crypt_blowfish/crypt_blowfish.module \crypt_blowfish_admin()
  4. 7.2 connections/clients_drupal/crypt_blowfish/crypt_blowfish.module \crypt_blowfish_admin()

Return value

array Form

1 string reference to 'crypt_blowfish_admin'
crypt_blowfish_menu in connections/clients_drupal/crypt_blowfish/crypt_blowfish.module
Implementation of hook_menu()


connections/clients_drupal/crypt_blowfish/crypt_blowfish.module, line 58
PEAR Crypt_Blowfish integration


function crypt_blowfish_admin() {
  $form = array();
  if (Drupal_Crypt_Blowfish::getkey() == 'replace this with a strong password') {
    $keyinfo = t('<strong>You still need to set this key. Go to this module\'s install directory and change the file \'\'</strong>');
  else {
    $keyinfo = t('The key is set to: <em>' . Drupal_Crypt_Blowfish::getkey() . '</em>');
  $form['crypt_info'] = array(
    '#value' => t("<p>Remote login passwords are stored using reversible encryption. This means that they should be reasonably safe in case anybody has access to your database if you choose a strong key. This key is stored in plaintext in the file 'crypt_blowfish.key' in this module's install directory and can include any characters.</p><p>!keyinfo</p><p>The PEAR <a href=\"\">Crypt_Blowfish</a> package must be installed for this module to work (see <a href=\"\">installing packages</a>). If you do not have permission to install PEAR packages, you can download this to a local directory.</p>", array(
      '!keyinfo' => $keyinfo,
  $form['crypt_blowfish_cryptdir'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('PEAR Crypt directory'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('crypt_blowfish_cryptdir', ''),
    '#size' => 75,
    '#maxlength' => 400,
    '#description' => t('Usually your PEAR path. Must be full system path with leading slash'),
    '#required' => TRUE,
  return system_settings_form($form);