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function clients_hook_entity_info in Web Service Clients 7.3

Additions to hook_entity_info().

These support the various controllers that provide functionality for entities that are used as handlers.

  • 'admin ui': This is defined by EntityAPI, but we add the following keys:

    • 'access permission': A permission to use for access to all of this entity's admin UI. Using this means that the entity does not need an access callback.
    • 'types callback': The name of a callback function that gives a list of types of handlers. The keys of the list should be the machine names; the values should be arrays of data with at least a 'label' key for the human-readable name of the handler type.
  • 'factory': An array of information on how to build handler objects.
    • 'class prefix': The prefix to apply to the handler type to make the name of the class to use.
    • 'broken class': The class to use when the class for a handler cannot be found, for example, if a module has been disabled.

See also




./clients.api.php, line 36
Hooks provided by the Clients module.


function clients_hook_entity_info() {