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Files in Clean Markup 7

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
block.tpl.php modules/clean_markup_blocks/theme/block.tpl.php Default theme implementation to display a block.
CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt Clean Markup 7.x-1.x, xxxx-xx-xx -------------------------------- #2081655 by dcmouyard: Added permission to edit Clean Markup settings. #2082065 by dcmouyard, mparker17: Fixed Follow Drupal's coding and documentation standards. #2104235 by… name = Clean markup API description = Functions common to the clean markup suite. core = 7.x package = Clean markup
clean_markup.module clean_markup.module Functions common to the clean markup suite. modules/clean_markup_blocks/ name = Clean block markup description = Provides clean block markup. core = 7.x package = Clean markup dependencies[] = block dependencies[] = clean_markup
clean_markup_blocks.install modules/clean_markup_blocks/clean_markup_blocks.install
clean_markup_blocks.module modules/clean_markup_blocks/clean_markup_blocks.module Provides clean block markup.
README.txt README.txt CONTENTS OF THIS FILE --------------------- * Overview * Features * Requirements * Installation * Known problems * Version history * Future plans * Credits * Recommended modules * Similar projects OVERVIEW -------- This module aims to clean up,…

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