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function _ckeditor_media_embed_get_install_instructions in CKEditor Media Embed Plugin 8

Retrieve the install instructions message.


bool $prefix: (Optional) Determine if the prefix should be prepended to the install message. Defaults to true.

Return value

string|\Drupal\Component\Render\MarkupInterface A safe string representation of the install instructions.

4 calls to _ckeditor_media_embed_get_install_instructions()
CKEditorMediaEmbedSettingsForm::buildForm in src/Form/CKEditorMediaEmbedSettingsForm.php
Form constructor.
ckeditor_media_embed_ckeditor_plugin_info_alter in ./ckeditor_media_embed.module
Implements hook_ckeditor_plugin_info_alter().
ckeditor_media_embed_install in ./ckeditor_media_embed.install
Implements hook_install().
_ckeditor_media_embed_requirments_build_description in ./ckeditor_media_embed.install
Retrieve the requirements description.


./ckeditor_media_embed.module, line 116
Module file for the CKEditor Media Embed plugin module.


function _ckeditor_media_embed_get_install_instructions($prefix = TRUE, $update = FALSE) {
  $message_prefix = '';
  if ($prefix) {
    $message_prefix = t('The required CKEditor plugs are missing.');
  return Markup::Create(t('@prefix To :op the CKEditor plugins run <strong><code>drupal ckeditor_media_embed::op</code></strong> if you have <a href=":drupal_console" target="_blank">Drupal Console</a> installed. Otherwise, please see the <a href=":project_page" target="_blank">installation instructions</a> on the page for additional :op methods.', [
    ':op' => $update ? 'update' : 'install',
    ':drupal_console' => Url::fromUri('', [
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    ':project_page' => Url::fromUri('', [
      'absolute' => TRUE,
      'fragment' => 'ckeditor-media-embed--install',
    '@prefix' => $message_prefix,