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function ckeditor_profiles_compile in CKEditor - WYSIWYG HTML editor 7

Compile settings of all profiles at returns is as array


string $input_format:

boolean $clear:

Return value


2 calls to ckeditor_profiles_compile()
ckeditor_load_by_field in includes/
Load CKEditor for field ID
ckeditor_pre_render_text_format in ./ckeditor.module
This function creates the HTML objects required for CKEditor.


includes/, line 549
CKEditor - The text editor for the Internet - Copyright (c) 2003-2013, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.


function ckeditor_profiles_compile($input_format = FALSE, $clear = FALSE) {
  static $compiled = FALSE;
  static $_ckeditor_compiled = array();
  if ($clear !== FALSE && $compiled !== FALSE) {
    $compiled = FALSE;
  if ($compiled === TRUE) {
    return $input_format === FALSE ? $_ckeditor_compiled : (isset($_ckeditor_compiled[$input_format]) ? $_ckeditor_compiled[$input_format] : array());
  $global_profile = ckeditor_profile_load('CKEditor Global Profile');
  $profiles_list = ckeditor_profile_input_formats();
  foreach ($profiles_list as $_profile => $_inputs) {
    $profile = ckeditor_profile_load($_profile);
    $setting = ckeditor_profile_settings_compile($global_profile, $profile);
    foreach ($_inputs as $_input) {
      $_ckeditor_compiled[$_input] = $setting;
  $compiled = TRUE;
  return $input_format === FALSE ? $_ckeditor_compiled : $_ckeditor_compiled[$input_format];