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function checklistapiexample_checklistapi_checklist_info_alter in Checklist API 8

Implements hook_checklistapi_checklist_info_alter().

Alters the checklist from checklistapiexample_checklistapi_checklist_info() according to sun's modifications of Dries Buytaert's Drupal learning curve .


checklistapiexample/checklistapiexample.module, line 229
An example implementation of the Checklist API.


function checklistapiexample_checklistapi_checklist_info_alter(&$definitions) {
  $definitions['example_checklist']['#help'] = t('<p>This checklist based on <a href="">sun\'s modification</a> of <a href="">Dries Buytaert\'s Drupal learning curve</a> is an example implementation of the <a href="">Checklist API</a>.</p>');
  $definitions['example_checklist']['i_kick_butt']['advanced_tasks']['#title'] = t('jQuery, Form API, theme and module development');
  $definitions['example_checklist']['i_kick_butt']['advanced_tasks'] += $definitions['example_checklist']['i_kick_butt']['development'];
  $definitions['example_checklist']['i_kick_butt']['contribute_code']['#title'] = t('Contributing code, designs and patches back to Drupal contrib');
  $definitions['example_checklist']['core_contributor'] = [
    '#title' => t("I'm a core contributor"),
    'contribute_core_code' => [
      '#title' => t('Contribute code and patches to Drupal core'),
      'handbook_page' => [
        '#text' => t('Core contribution mentoring (core office hours)'),
        '#url' => Url::fromUri(''),
      'issue_queue' => [
        '#text' => t('Core issue queue'),
        '#url' => Url::fromUri(''),
    'unit_tests' => [
      '#title' => t('Write unit tests to get own patch committed.'),
      'handbook_page' => [
        '#text' => t('Unit Testing with Simpletest'),
        '#url' => Url::fromUri(''),
    'review_core_patches' => [
      '#title' => t("Review other people's core patches, understanding coding standards."),
      'pending_patches' => [
        '#text' => t('Pending patches'),
        '#url' => Url::fromUri('[]=8&status[]=13&status[]=14'),
      'handbook_page' => [
        '#text' => t('Coding standards'),
        '#url' => Url::fromUri(''),
    'security_performance' => [
      '#title' => t('Security audits, performance tuning.'),
      'handbook_page_security' => $definitions['example_checklist']['i_kick_butt']['advanced_tasks']['handbook_page_security'],
      'handbook_page_performance' => $definitions['example_checklist']['i_kick_butt']['advanced_tasks']['handbook_page_performance'],
  $definitions['example_checklist']['core_maintainer'] = [
    '#title' => t("I'm trustworthy for core maintainership"),
    'add_sub_system' => [
      '#title' => t('Rewrite or add a Drupal core sub-system.'),
    'sub_system_maintainer' => [
      '#title' => t('Sub-system maintainer.'),
    'core_branch_maintainer' => [
      '#title' => t('Core branch maintainer'),
  $definitions['example_checklist']['know_every_bit_of_core'] = [
    '#title' => t('I know every bit of core'),
    'im_chx' => [
      '#title' => t('I\'m <a href=":url">chx</a>.', [
        ':url' => '',
  $definitions['example_checklist']['understand_all_core_patch_implications'] = [
    '#title' => t('I understand all implications of a core patch'),
    'im_chuck_norris' => [
      '#title' => t("I'm Chuck Norris."),