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abstract class ChartsGraphsFlashCanvas in Charts and Graphs 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 \ChartsGraphsFlashCanvas

Abstract class to be derived for Flash based charting libraries.


Expanded class hierarchy of ChartsGraphsFlashCanvas


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abstract class ChartsGraphsFlashCanvas.

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abstract class ChartsGraphsFlashCanvas extends ChartsGraphsCanvas {

   * Possible values are "window", "opaque" and "transparent".
  var $wmode;
  function get_wmode() {
    $wmodes = self::wmode_values();
    $default = 'window';
    $wmode = strtolower(empty($this->wmode) ? $default : $this->wmode);
    return isset($wmodes[$wmode]) ? $wmode : $default;
  static function wmode_values() {
    return array(
      'window' => 'Window (Default)',
      'opaque' => 'Opaque',
      'transparent' => 'Transparent',

   * Merges the two arrays.
   * The final array will be a copy of the second array with the values of the
   * first whose IDs are not present in the second.
   * IDs of the second array with a value of NULL are not included but these
   * same IDs are not copied from the first array, so they effectivelly delete
   * settings from the first array.
   * @param <array> $first
   * @param <array> $second
   * @return <array>
  function merge_xml_values($first, $second) {

    //    dpm($first, '$first');
    //    dpm($second, '$second');
    $second_ids = array();
    foreach ($second as $value) {
      $second_ids[$value['#id']] = TRUE;
    $final = array();
    foreach ($first as $value) {
      if (!isset($second_ids[$value['#id']])) {
        $final[] = $value;
    foreach ($second as $value) {
      if (isset($value['#value']) && $value['#value'] === NULL) {
      $final[] = $value;
    return $final;
  function get_xml_file_from_array($array) {
    $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
    $dom->formatOutput = TRUE;

    //    var_dump($array);
    foreach ($array as $element) {
        ->add_dom_element_from_array($dom, $dom, $element);

    //    var_dump($dom->saveXML());
    return $dom
  function add_dom_element_from_array(&$dom, &$father, $element) {
    if (isset($element['#value'])) {
      $new_element = $dom
        ->createElement($element['#id'], (string) $element['#value']);
    else {
      $new_element = $dom
      if (isset($element['#cdata'])) {
        $cdata = $dom
          ->createCDATASection((string) $element['#cdata']);
    if (isset($element['#children'])) {
      foreach ($element['#children'] as $child) {
        $new_child = $this
          ->add_dom_element_from_array($dom, $new_element, $child);
    if (isset($element['#attributes'])) {
      foreach ($element['#attributes'] as $attribute_name => $attribute_value) {
        $attribute = $dom
          ->createAttribute((string) $attribute_name);
        $value = $dom
          ->createTextNode((string) $attribute_value);

    //    var_dump($new_element;
    //    var_dump($dom->saveXML($new_element));
    return $new_element;
  function encode_for_xml($text) {
    return htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
ChartsGraphsCanvas::$height property 2
ChartsGraphsCanvas::$modulename protected property
ChartsGraphsCanvas::$series property An array of series of values. Each element in a series (which is also an array in itself) is a numeric value of "measurement".
ChartsGraphsCanvas::$series_colours property Holds the colours to be used for each data seire.
ChartsGraphsCanvas::$title property 2
ChartsGraphsCanvas::$type property
ChartsGraphsCanvas::$unique_id protected property
ChartsGraphsCanvas::$width property 2
ChartsGraphsCanvas::$x_labels property Identifies each value in a data series. The same identification is used for all data series.
ChartsGraphsCanvas::$y_legend property Text presented next to the left Y axis.
ChartsGraphsCanvas::getModuleName function
ChartsGraphsCanvas::getUnique_ID function
ChartsGraphsCanvas::get_chart abstract function Function that renders data. 4
ChartsGraphsCanvas::series_colours function
ChartsGraphsCanvas::set_data function
ChartsGraphsCanvas::__construct function Constructor function.
ChartsGraphsFlashCanvas::$wmode property Possible values are "window", "opaque" and "transparent".
ChartsGraphsFlashCanvas::add_dom_element_from_array function
ChartsGraphsFlashCanvas::encode_for_xml function
ChartsGraphsFlashCanvas::get_wmode function
ChartsGraphsFlashCanvas::get_xml_file_from_array function
ChartsGraphsFlashCanvas::merge_xml_values function Merges the two arrays.
ChartsGraphsFlashCanvas::wmode_values static function