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abstract class ChartCanvas in Charts and Graphs 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 \ChartCanvas
  2. 7 \ChartCanvas

@file Contains the main graphs class that is inherited by all submodules


Expanded class hierarchy of ChartCanvas


./, line 8
Contains the main graphs class that is inherited by all submodules

View source
abstract class ChartCanvas {
  var $title;
  var $height;
  var $width;
  var $type;
  var $y_legend;
  var $x_labels;

   * An array of series of values. Each element in a series (which is also an array in itself)
   * is a numeric value of "measurement".
   * <p>e.g.:
   * <pre>
   *  $canvas->series = array(
   *    'Some Value' => array(9,6,7,9,5,7,6,9,7),
   *    'Page Views' => array(6,7,9,5,7,6,9,7,3),
   *  );
   * </pre>
  var $series;

  /** Should Not set those from client code, only from an implementation **/
  protected $modulename;

  //The name of the implementing module.
  protected $unique_id;
  function getModuleName() {
    return $this->modulename;
  function getUnique_ID() {
    return $this->unique_id;

   * Function that renders data
  abstract function get_chart();

   * Function that preprocesses generalized data structure and saves it in the
   * form suitable for specific charting implementation
   * @param $rows an array of arrays of data in the following format:
   * <pre>
   *  array(
   *    'Some Value' => array(9,6,7,9,5,7,6,9,7),
   *    'Page Views' => array(6,7,9,5,7,6,9,7,3),
   * );
   * @param $x_labels an array of x-axis labels
  abstract function set_data($rows, $x_labels);

   * Constructor function.
   * <p>ATTENTION: This function should NOT be called directly.
   * You should always instantiate a chart implementation
   * class using chart_graphs_get_graph() factory function.
   * <p>CAUTION: PHP does not implicitely call parent constructors. DO NOT
   * override this function, or if you do: make sure to call it from the
   * child implementation with: parent::__contruct();
   * within the child constructor.
  function __construct($modulename) {
    $this->modulename = $modulename;
    $this->unique_id = chart_graphs_chart_id_generator();

    // Set some default values
    $this->width = 500;
    $this->height = 250;
    $this->title = t("A Drupal Chart");
  static function series_colors() {
    return array(



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
ChartCanvas::$height property
ChartCanvas::$modulename protected property Should Not set those from client code, only from an implementation *
ChartCanvas::$series property An array of series of values. Each element in a series (which is also an array in itself) is a numeric value of "measurement".
ChartCanvas::$title property
ChartCanvas::$type property
ChartCanvas::$unique_id protected property
ChartCanvas::$width property
ChartCanvas::$x_labels property
ChartCanvas::$y_legend property
ChartCanvas::getModuleName function
ChartCanvas::getUnique_ID function
ChartCanvas::get_chart abstract function Function that renders data
ChartCanvas::series_colors static function
ChartCanvas::set_data abstract function
ChartCanvas::__construct function Constructor function.