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function _charts_highcharts_populate_chart_data in Charts 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 modules/charts_highcharts/ \_charts_highcharts_populate_chart_data()

Utility to populate chart data.




Return value


1 call to _charts_highcharts_populate_chart_data()
_charts_highcharts_render in modules/charts_highcharts/
Chart render callback; Convert all chart-level data.


modules/charts_highcharts/, line 213
Callbacks and utility functions for rendering a Highcharts Chart.


function _charts_highcharts_populate_chart_data(&$chart, $chart_definition) {
  $chart_definition['series'] = array();
  foreach (\Drupal::state()
    ->getMultiple($chart) as $key) {
    if ($chart[$key]['#type'] === 'chart_data') {
      $series = array();
      $series_data = array();

      // Make sure defaults are loaded.
      if (empty($chart[$key]['#defaults_loaded'])) {
        $chart[$key] += \Drupal::service('element_info')

      // Convert target named axis keys to integers.
      if (isset($chart[$key]['#target_axis'])) {
        $axis_name = $chart[$key]['#target_axis'];
        $axis_index = 0;
        foreach (\Drupal::state()
          ->getMultiple($chart) as $axis_key) {
          if ($chart[$axis_key]['#type'] === 'chart_yaxis') {
            if ($axis_key === $axis_name) {
        $series['yAxis'] = $axis_index;

      // Allow data to provide the labels. This will override the axis settings.
      if ($chart[$key]['#labels']) {
        foreach ($chart[$key]['#labels'] as $label_index => $label) {
          $series_data[$label_index][0] = $label;

      // Populate the data.
      foreach ($chart[$key]['#data'] as $data_index => $data) {
        if (isset($series_data[$data_index])) {
          $series_data[$data_index][] = $data;
        else {
          $series_data[$data_index] = $data;
      $series['type'] = $chart[$key]['#chart_type'];
      $series['name'] = $chart[$key]['#title'];
      $series['color'] = $chart[$key]['#color'];
      $series['marker']['radius'] = $chart[$key]['#marker_radius'];
      $series['showInLegend'] = $chart[$key]['#show_in_legend'];
      $series['connectNulls'] = TRUE;
      $series['tooltip']['valueDecimals'] = $chart[$key]['#decimal_count'];
      $series['tooltip']['xDateFormat'] = $chart[$key]['#date_format'];
      $series['tooltip']['valuePrefix'] = $chart[$key]['#prefix'];
      $series['tooltip']['valueSuffix'] = $chart[$key]['#suffix'];
      if ($chart[$key]['#prefix'] || $chart[$key]['#suffix']) {
        $yaxis_index = isset($series['yAxis']) ? $series['yAxis'] : 0;

        // For axis formatting, we need to use a format string.
        // See
        $decimal_formatting = $chart[$key]['#decimal_count'] ? ':.' . $chart[$key]['#decimal_count'] . 'f' : '';
        $chart_definition['yAxis'][$yaxis_index]['labels']['format'] = $chart[$key]['#prefix'] . "{value{$decimal_formatting}}" . $chart[$key]['#suffix'];

      // Remove unnecessary keys to trim down the resulting JS settings.
      $series['data'] = $series_data;

      // Merge in series raw options.
      if (isset($chart[$key]['#raw_options'])) {
        $series = NestedArray::mergeDeep($series, $chart[$key]['#raw_options']);

      // Add the series to the main chart definition.
      $chart_definition['series'][$key] = $series;

      // Merge in any point-specific data points.
      foreach (\Drupal::state()
        ->getMultiple($chart[$key]) as $sub_key) {
        if ($chart[$key][$sub_key]['#type'] === 'chart_data_item') {

          // Make sure defaults are loaded.
          if (empty($chart[$key][$sub_key]['#defaults_loaded'])) {
            $chart[$key][$sub_key] += \Drupal::service('element_info')
          $data_item = $chart[$key][$sub_key];
          $series_point =& $chart_definition['series'][$key]['data'][$sub_key];

          // Convert the point from a simple data value to a complex point.
          if (!isset($series_point['data'])) {
            $data = $series_point;
            $series_point = array();
            if (is_array($data)) {
              $series_point['name'] = $data[0];
              $series_point['y'] = $data[1];
            else {
              $series_point['y'] = $data;
          if (isset($data_item['#data'])) {
            if (is_array($data_item['#data'])) {
              $series_point['x'] = $data_item['#data'][0];
              $series_point['y'] = $data_item['#data'][1];
            else {
              $series_point['y'] = $data_item['#data'];
          if ($data_item['#title']) {
            $series_point['name'] = $data_item['#title'];

          // Setting the color requires several properties for consistency.
          $series_point['color'] = $data_item['#color'];
          $series_point['fillColor'] = $data_item['#color'];
          $series_point['states']['hover']['fillColor'] = $data_item['#color'];
          $series_point['states']['select']['fillColor'] = $data_item['#color'];

          // Merge in point raw options.
          if (isset($data_item['#raw_options'])) {
            $series_point = NestedArray::mergeDeep($series_point, $data_item['#raw_options']);
  return $chart_definition;