function certificate_sets_checks_page in Certificate 6
Page to show certificate type criteria.
1 string reference to 'certificate_sets_checks_page'
- certificate_menu in ./
certificate.module - Implementation of hook_menu().
- ./, line 140 - Administrative pages for the module.
function certificate_sets_checks_page($type) {
$out = '';
$out .= "<h3>Editing criteria for <em>\"{$type->name}\"</em></h3>";
$out .= "<p>The <em>\"{$type->title}\"</em> template will show when all of the criteria are met.</p>";
$sql = 'select * from {certificate_criteria}
where type_id = %d';
$query = db_query($sql, $type->type_id);
while ($row = db_fetch_array($query)) {
$row['check_key'] = unserialize($row['check_key']);
$row['check_key'] = $row['check_key'][1];
$row['operations'] = certificate_sets_checks_links($row);
$rows[] = $row;
$out .= theme('table', array(
'Type ID',
'Criteria ID',
'Check Type',
'Check Key',
'Check Value',
), $rows);
$out .= drupal_get_form('certificate_sets_checks_form', $type);
return $out;