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Functions in Corresponding Entity References 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
cer_batch_update_existing_finished ./cer.module Batch 'finished' callback. 1
cer_ctools_plugin_api ./cer.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().
cer_entity_delete ./cer.module Implements hook_entity_delete().
cer_entity_insert ./cer.module Implements hook_entity_insert().
cer_entity_update ./cer.module Implements hook_entity_update().
cer_field_delete_field ./cer.module Implements hook_field_delete_field().
cer_field_delete_instance ./cer.module Implements hook_field_delete_instance().
cer_help ./cer.module Implements hook_help().
cer_menu ./cer.module Implements hook_menu().
cer_permission ./cer.module Implements hook_permission().
cer_preset_delete ./cer.module Deletes or disables a given CER preset. 2
cer_preset_enabled ./cer.module Return 1 if CER preset specified by given key is enabled. 1
cer_preset_load ./cer.module Return CER preset by key. 3
cer_preset_load_enabled ./cer.module Load enabled CER presets. 3
cer_processing_entity ./cer.module Process a entity's corresponding entity references. 3 1
cer_schema ./cer.install Implements hook_schema().
cer_settings_form ./ The settings form. 1
cer_settings_form_submit ./ Submit function for settings form.
cer_theme ./cer.module Implements hook_theme().
cer_update_7001 ./cer.install Rename table to shorten module name.
cer_update_7002 ./cer.install Disable presets which refer to fields that don't exist. (Issue #2122531)
cer_update_form ./ Allows batch updating of existing entities. 1
cer_update_form_submit ./ The update form. Allows updating of current entitys.
theme_cer_label ./cer.module
_cer_find_channels ./ The purpose of this function is to answer this question: I am a field instance. Which other fields reference the entity that owns me? And of those instances, which ones can I reference? The answer is returned as an array of CER keys: "entity1… 1
_cer_find_referrers ./ Find all fields that can reference the given entity type and bundle. 1
_cer_get_fields ./ Get the Field API definitions for all entity reference fields. 2
_cer_get_target_bundles ./ Find all bundles reference-able by a given field. If all bundles are reference-able, an empty array is returned. 2
_cer_update ./cer.module Update field data. 3

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