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function _cdn_requirements_is_patched_distribution in CDN 6.2

Checks if the used Drupal distribution is already patched or not. (This is the case when either Pressflow or Cocomore is being used).

3 calls to _cdn_requirements_is_patched_distribution()
cdn_requirements in ./cdn.install
Implementation of hook_requirements().
_cdn_requirements_detect_fallback in ./
Detect whether the fallback mechanism (to alter file URLs, the best mechanism is the core patch, but a fallback to the theme layer is included) should be enabled or disabled, and actually enable/disable it, too.
_cdn_requirements_get_integration_mechanism in ./
Get the integration mechanism that is currently being used by the CDN integration module.


./, line 139
Functionality to automatically detect if a patch has been applied.


function _cdn_requirements_is_patched_distribution() {
  $profile = realpath('.') . '/profiles/default/default.profile';
  if (!file_exists($profile)) {
    return FALSE;
  include_once $profile;
  $default = default_profile_details();
  if ($default['name'] == 'Pressflow') {
    return 'pressflow';
  if (stristr($default['name'], 'cocomore')) {
    return 'cocomore';
  return FALSE;