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function _cdn_build_css_cache in CDN 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 \_cdn_build_css_cache()
1 call to _cdn_build_css_cache()
_cdn_css_aggregate in ./
Mostly based on drupal_get_css().


./, line 95
Overrides of Drupal's CSS aggregation system. Ensures that files referenced by CSS files are also served from the CDN, according to the CDN module's CSS aggregation rules.


function _cdn_build_css_cache($types, $filename) {
  $data = '';

  // Create the css/ within the files folder.
  $csspath = file_create_path('css');
  file_check_directory($csspath, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY);
  if (!file_exists($csspath . '/' . $filename)) {

    // Build aggregate CSS file.
    foreach ($types as $type) {
      foreach ($type as $file => $cache) {
        if ($cache) {
          $contents = drupal_load_stylesheet($file, TRUE);

          // Return the Drupal path to where this CSS file originated from.
          $base = dirname($file) . '/';
          _cdn_build_css_path(NULL, $base);

          // Prefix all paths within this CSS file, ignoring external and absolute paths.
          $data .= preg_replace_callback('/url\\([\'"]?(?![a-z]+:|\\/+)([^\'")]+)[\'"]?\\)/i', '_cdn_build_css_path', $contents);

    // Per the W3C specification at,
    // @import rules must proceed any other style, so we move those to the top.
    $regexp = '/@import[^;]+;/i';
    preg_match_all($regexp, $data, $matches);
    $data = preg_replace($regexp, '', $data);
    $data = implode('', $matches[0]) . $data;

    // Create the CSS file.
    file_save_data($data, $csspath . '/' . $filename, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE);
  return $csspath . '/' . $filename;