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Files in CCK Select Other 6

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cck_select_other.api.php cck_select_other.api.php CCK Select Other API Documentation name = Select Other Widget description = Adds a new select widget for CCK text (and related field types) that allows users to input either with a select list or a text input box. package = CCK dependencies[] = content dependencies[] =…
cck_select_other.install cck_select_other.install Implementation of hook_update_N(). This will update all cck_select_other widget fields to include a select_list_options_php option. Without this each field will return an undefined warning or error until updated by an admin.
cck_select_other.module cck_select_other.module Implements a select list widget that lets a user provide an alternate option.
cck_select_other.test tests/cck_select_other.test test file for cck_select_other Testing file views/ views/ views/

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