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function _content_multigroup_fieldgroup_form in Content Construction Kit (CCK) 6.3

Implementation of hook_fieldgroup_form().

Align the delta values of each field in the Multigroup.

Swap the field name and delta for each Multigroup so we can d-n-d each collection of fields as a single delta item.

1 call to _content_multigroup_fieldgroup_form()
content_multigroup_fieldgroup_form in modules/content_multigroup/content_multigroup.module
Implementation of hook_fieldgroup_form().


modules/content_multigroup/, line 16
Implementation of node edit functions for content multigroup.


function _content_multigroup_fieldgroup_form(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id, $group) {
  $node = $form['#node'];
  $group_name = $group['group_name'];
  $group_multiple = (int) $group['settings']['multigroup']['multiple'];
  $content_type = content_types($group['type_name']);

  // Build list of accessible fields in this group.
  $group_fields = array();
  foreach ($content_type['fields'] as $field_name => $field) {
    if (isset($group['fields'][$field_name]) && isset($form[$group_name][$field_name])) {
      if (!isset($form[$group_name][$field_name]['#access']) || $form[$group_name][$field_name]['#access']) {
        $group_fields[$field_name] = $field;

  // Quit if there are no field in the form for this group.
  if (empty($group_fields)) {
  switch ($group_multiple) {
    case 0:
      $group_deltas = array(
      $max_delta = 0;
    case 1:

      // Compute unique deltas from all deltas used by fields in this multigroup.
      $group_deltas = array();
      $max_delta = -1;
      foreach (array_keys($group_fields) as $field_name) {
        if (!empty($node->{$field_name}) && is_array($node->{$field_name})) {
          foreach (array_keys($node->{$field_name}) as $delta) {
            $group_deltas[$delta] = $delta;
          $max_delta = max($max_delta, max($group_deltas));
      $current_item_count = isset($form_state['item_count'][$group_name]) ? $form_state['item_count'][$group_name] : max(1, count($group_deltas));
      while (count($group_deltas) < $current_item_count) {
        $group_deltas[] = $max_delta;
      $max_delta = $group_multiple - 1;
      $group_deltas = range(0, $max_delta);
  $form[$group_name]['#theme'] = 'content_multigroup_node_form';
  $form[$group_name]['#item_count'] = count($group_deltas);
  $form[$group_name]['#type_name'] = $group['type_name'];
  $form[$group_name]['#group_name'] = $group_name;
  $form[$group_name]['#group_label'] = $group['label'];
  $form[$group_name]['#group_fields'] = $group_fields;
  $form[$group_name]['#tree'] = TRUE;

  // Multigroups cannot be vertical tabs, don't let Vertical Tabs module try to do that.
  $form[$group_name]['#group'] = FALSE;
  if (!isset($form['#multigroups'])) {
    $form['#multigroups'] = array();
  $form['#multigroups'][$group_name] = $group_fields;

  // Add a visual indication to the fieldgroup title if the multigroup is required.
  if (!empty($group['settings']['multigroup']['required'])) {
    $form[$group_name]['#title'] .= '&nbsp;<span class="form-required" title="' . t('This group requires one collection of fields minimum.') . '">*</span>';

  // Attach our own after build handler to the form, used to fix posting data
  // and the form structure, moving fields back to their original positions.
  // That is, move them from group->delta->field back to field->delta.
  if (!isset($form['#after_build'])) {
    $form['#after_build'] = array();
  if (!in_array('content_multigroup_node_form_after_build', $form['#after_build'])) {
    array_unshift($form['#after_build'], 'content_multigroup_node_form_after_build');

  // Attach our own validation handler to the form, used to check for empty fields.
  if (!isset($form['#validate'])) {
    $form['#validate'] = array();
  if (!in_array('content_multigroup_node_form_validate', $form['#validate'])) {
    array_unshift($form['#validate'], 'content_multigroup_node_form_validate');
  $elements[$group_name] = array();
  foreach ($group_deltas as $delta) {
    $element = content_multigroup_group_form($form, $form_state, $group, $delta);
    $elements[$group_name] = array_merge($elements[$group_name], $element[$group_name]);
  $form[$group_name] = $elements[$group_name];

  // Unset the original group field values now that we've moved them.
  foreach (array_keys($group_fields) as $field_name) {

  // Disable required flag during FormAPI validation, except when building the
  // form for an 'Add more values' request, then replace it in pre_render.
  // To avoid re-creating this array of values over and over, create it once
  // and store it as a form attribute.
  $form['#multigroup_required_fields'] = array();
  if (empty($form_state['multigroup_add_more'])) {
    foreach ($form['#multigroups'] as $group_name => $group_fields) {
      $form['#multigroup_required_fields'][$group_name] = array();
      foreach ($group_fields as $field_name => $field) {
        if ($field['required']) {
          $form['#multigroup_required_fields'][$group_name][$field_name] = TRUE;
          $form['#field_info'][$field_name]['required'] = FALSE;
    if (!isset($form['#pre_render'])) {
      $form['#pre_render'] = array();
    if (!in_array('content_multigroup_node_form_pre_render', $form['#pre_render'])) {
      array_unshift($form['#pre_render'], 'content_multigroup_node_form_pre_render');
  if (($add_more = content_multigroup_add_more($form, $form_state, $group)) !== FALSE) {
    $form[$group_name] += $add_more;