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function content_multigroup_field_basic_form in Content Construction Kit (CCK) 6.3

Alter the basic field settings form.

It should not be possible to choose a widget type that is not compatible with multigroups.

1 call to content_multigroup_field_basic_form()
content_multigroup_form_alter in modules/content_multigroup/content_multigroup.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter().


modules/content_multigroup/, line 244
Implementation of node type administration functions for content multigroup.


function content_multigroup_field_basic_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $field_name = $form['basic']['field_name']['#value'];
  $type_name = $form['type_name']['#value'];

  // Ignore this field if it is not part of a field group.
  if (!($group_name = fieldgroup_get_group($type_name, $field_name))) {

  // Retrieve information about the group the field is in.
  $groups = fieldgroup_groups($type_name);
  $group = $groups[$group_name];

  // Ignore this field if it is not part of a multigroup.
  if ($group['group_type'] != 'multigroup') {

  // Retrieve information about the field itself.
  $field = content_fields($field_name, $type_name);

  // Check if the widget can be moved out of the multigroup.
  $allowed_out = content_multigroup_allowed_out($field, $group);
  if (!$allowed_out['allowed']) {
    $form['basic']['widget_type']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
    $form['basic']['widget_type']['#suffix'] = '<div class="warning">' . t('The widget type cannot be changed because the field %field already has data created and this widget stores data differently in a Standard group than in a Multigroup. Allowing this change could result in the loss of data.', array(
      '%field' => $field['widget']['label'],
    )) . '</div>';

  // Remove from the list of available widgets those that are not
  // compatible with multigroups.
  $widget_types = _content_widget_types();
  foreach (array_keys($form['basic']['widget_type']['#options']) as $widget_type) {
    if ($field['widget']['type'] != $widget_type) {
      $field_copy = $field;
      $field_copy['widget']['type'] = $widget_type;
      $field_copy['widget']['module'] = $widget_types[$widget_type]['module'];
      $allowed_in = content_multigroup_allowed_in($field_copy, $group);
      if (!$allowed_in['allowed']) {