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function content_view_field in Content Construction Kit (CCK) 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 content.module \content_view_field()

Render a single field, fully themed with label and multiple values.

To be used by third-party code (Views, Panels...) that needs to output an isolated field. Do *not* use inside node templates, use the $FIELD_NAME_rendered variables instead.

By default, the field is displayed using the settings defined for the 'full node' or 'teaser' contexts (depending on the value of the $teaser param). Set $node->build_mode to a different value to use a different context.

Different settings can be specified by adjusting $field['display_settings'].


$field: The field definition.

$node: The node containing the field to display. Can be a 'pseudo-node', containing at least 'type', 'nid', 'vid', and the field data.


$page: Similar to hook_nodeapi('view')

Return value

The themed output for the field.

1 call to content_view_field()
content_content_field_content_type_render in includes/panels/content_types/
Output function for the 'field' content type.


./content.module, line 365
Allows administrators to associate custom fields to content types.


function content_view_field($field, $node, $teaser = FALSE, $page = FALSE) {
  $output = '';
  if (isset($node->{$field}['field_name'])) {
    $items = $node->{$field}['field_name'];

    // Use 'full'/'teaser' if not specified otherwise.
    $node->build_mode = isset($node->build_mode) ? $node->build_mode : NODE_BUILD_NORMAL;

    // One-field equivalent to _content_field_invoke('sanitize').
    $field_types = _content_field_types();
    $module = $field_types[$field['type']]['module'];
    $function = $module . '_field';
    if (function_exists($function)) {
      $function('sanitize', $node, $field, $items, $teaser, $page);
      $node->{$field}['field_name'] = $items;
    $view = content_field('view', $node, $field, $items, $teaser, $page);

    // content_field('view') adds a wrapper to handle variables and 'excluded'
    // fields for node templates. We bypass it and render the actual field.
    $output = drupal_render($view[$field['field_name']]['field']);
  return $output;