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function content_update_7 in Content Construction Kit (CCK) 5

Rename the "content-" prefix to "content_" to aid in form theming.


./content.install, line 243


function content_update_7() {
  $ret = array();

  // Figure out what table to update. If node_type exists and node_type_content does not, this update is
  // being done by an early version of core that did not rename the node_type table, so use the original name, node_type.
  // If both table names exist, core has renamed the table, so use the renamed table name, node_type_content.
  if (!db_table_exists('node_type_content')) {
    $table_name = 'node_type';
  else {
    $table_name = 'node_type_content';
  $type_result = db_query("SELECT type_name FROM {" . $table_name . "} WHERE type_name LIKE 'content-%%'");
  if (db_num_rows($type_result)) {

    // Multi-part update
    if (!isset($_SESSION['content_update_7'])) {
      $_SESSION['content_update_7'] = 0;
      $_SESSION['content_update_7_max'] = db_num_rows($type_result);
    $type = db_fetch_object($type_result);
    $old_type_name = $type->type_name;
    $new_type_name = str_replace('content-', 'content_', $old_type_name);
    $ret[] = update_sql("UPDATE {node} SET type = '" . $new_type_name . "' WHERE type = '" . $old_type_name . "'");
    $ret[] = update_sql("UPDATE {" . $table_name . "} SET type_name = '" . $new_type_name . "' WHERE type_name = '" . $old_type_name . "'");
    $ret[] = update_sql("UPDATE {node_field_instance} SET type_name = '" . $new_type_name . "' WHERE type_name = '" . $old_type_name . "'");
    $ret[] = update_sql("UPDATE {vocabulary_node_types} SET type = '" . $new_type_name . "' WHERE type = '" . $old_type_name . "'");
    $variable_result = db_query("SELECT name, value FROM {variable} WHERE name LIKE '%%%s%%' OR value LIKE '%%%s%%'", $old_type_name, $old_type_name);
    while ($variable = db_fetch_object($variable_result)) {
      $new_name = str_replace($old_type_name, $new_type_name, $variable->name);
      $new_value = str_replace($old_type_name, $new_type_name, $variable->value);
      db_query("UPDATE {variable} SET name = '%s', value = '%s' WHERE name = '%s'", $new_name, $new_value, $variable->name);
    $ret[] = update_sql('DELETE FROM {cache}');
    $ret['#finished'] = $_SESSION['content_update_7'] / $_SESSION['content_update_7_max'];
    return $ret;