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function casetracker_get_name in Case Tracker 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 casetracker.module \casetracker_get_name()
  2. 7 casetracker.module \casetracker_get_name()

Given a uid, returns the name of that account. If the passed uid is not found, returns the default "assign to" name as specified in the settings. @todo This may not always be desired, but is how we use it. See also casetracker_get_uid().

4 calls to casetracker_get_name()
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./casetracker.module, line 1047
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function casetracker_get_name($uid = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $users = array();
  if (!isset($users[$uid]) || $reset) {
    if ($uid == 0) {
      $users[0] = t('Unassigned');
    else {
      $result = db_result(db_query("SELECT name FROM {users} WHERE uid = %d", $uid));
      $users[$uid] = $result ? $result : '';
  return !empty($users[$uid]) ? $users[$uid] : casetracker_default_assign_to();