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function cas_attributes_tokens in CAS Attributes 2.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 \cas_attributes_tokens()
  2. 7 \cas_attributes_tokens()

Implements hook_tokens().


./, line 26
Token module integration.


function cas_attributes_tokens($type, $tokens, array $data, array $options, BubbleableMetadata $bubbleable_metadata) {
  $sanitize = !empty($options['sanitize']);
  $replacements = [];
  $token_service = \Drupal::token();
  if ($type == 'cas') {

    // Find all attribute tokens formatted like [cas:attribute:?].
    if ($attribute_tokens = $token_service
      ->findWithPrefix($tokens, 'attribute')) {
      $casAttributes = [];

      // Attributes may have been explicitly passed into the token replacer,
      // so check for them there first. Otherwise, fallback to checking the
      // session data. The main CAS module stores all attributes in the session
      // when login is finalized.
      if (!empty($data['cas_attributes'])) {
        $casAttributes = $data['cas_attributes'];
      else {
        $session = \Drupal::request()
        if ($session
          ->has('cas_attributes')) {
          $casAttributes = $session

      // Change attribute names to lower case. All other case of token names
      // in Drupal is lowercase, so this allows users to keep with that
      // same convention.
      $casAttributes = array_change_key_case($casAttributes, CASE_LOWER);
      foreach ($attribute_tokens as $attribute => $originalToken) {

        // All attributes in CAS are stored as arrays, even though in most cases
        // they will they have one item. If the user did not provide a specific
        // array modifier to the token, assume that we should just join all
        // items of the array into a single string.
        // See "Array tokens." in
        if (strpos($attribute, ':') === FALSE) {
          $attribute .= ':join';

        // Extract the array token from the end of the attribute token.
        list($attribute, $arrayToken) = explode(':', $attribute, 2);
        $attribute = mb_strtolower($attribute);
        if (isset($casAttributes[$attribute])) {
          $casAttribute = $casAttributes[$attribute];
          if (!is_array($casAttribute)) {
            $casAttribute = [

          // Invoke the token generator to provide a replacement for the array
          // token.
          $replacements += $token_service
            ->generate('array', [
            $arrayToken => $originalToken,
          ], [
            'array' => $casAttribute,
          ], $options, $bubbleable_metadata);
        elseif ($attribute == '?') {

          // If the question mark token was used, then just output information
          // about all available attributes.
          $keys = array_keys($casAttributes);
          if ($sanitize) {
            $keys = array_map([
            ], $keys);
          $replacements[$originalToken] = t('Available attributes: %keys', [
            '%keys' => implode(', ', $keys),
  return $replacements;