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function _cas_attributes_get_profile_fields in CAS Attributes 6.3

Retrieve profile fields.

2 calls to _cas_attributes_get_profile_fields()
cas_attributes_admin_settings in ./
Administrative settings form.
cas_attributes_cas_user_presave in ./cas_attributes.module
Implements hook_cas_user_presave().


./cas_attributes.module, line 178
Allows user account and profile attributes to be automatically populated using tokens. Provides basic tokens for attributes returned by the CAS server.


function _cas_attributes_get_profile_fields() {
  $fields = array();
  if (module_exists('profile')) {
    $result = db_query("SELECT fid, name, title, type FROM {profile_fields}");
    while ($row = db_fetch_object($result)) {
      $fields[$row->fid] = $row;
  return $fields;